Alphabetical listing of characters encountered in The Great Hunt
(Sorted by first name)
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Book two in The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. |
Chronological listing Alphabetical listing by last name Alphabetical listing by first name Back to Wheel of Time characters. |
- Adeleas Namelle, p. 321 (283)—Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, one of two Aes Sedai who went into voluntary retreat many years ago to Tifan’s Well, a village located in the grassy plains of Arafel. Their goal is some day to write the complete history of the world since the Breaking, and some even before that. See also Namelle, Vandene.
- Aedwin Cole, p. 651 (573)—Member of Bayle Domon’s crew on Spray. He tries to cut a mooring line before Domon gives him permission, but Domon stops him. See also Domon, Bayle.
- Agelmar Jagad, p. 14 (12)—Lord of Fal Dara. He is perhaps the only person in Fal Dara that Elansu cannot bully into doing what she wants him to do—and even he yields more often than not. His sign is three running red foxes. See also Jagad, Amalisa.
- Aginor, p. 339 (299)—One of the Forsaken. He was bound very close to the surface of the Bore during the Age of Legends; he was the second Forsaken to be released. Aginor was killed by Rand at the Eye of the World. His memory was part of Nynaeve’s test for Accepted.
- Alaine Chuliandred, p. 465 (410)—One of the guests at Barthanes’s party. Rand meets her when he walks into the room where Thom Merrilin is entertaining. She is perhaps ten years older than Rand.
- Alanna Mosvani, p. 54 (49)—Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She is one of the Aes Sedai in the Amyrlin’s chambers when Moiraine is summoned. She has dark hair and a fiery personality—the exact opposite of Carlinya.
- Elder Alar, p. 502 (443)—Eldest of the Ogier Elders in Stedding Tsofu. She is Erith’s grandmother and Iva’s mother. See also Erith; Iva.
- Aldieb, p. 145 (128)—Moiraine’s white mare. Her name means “West Wind” in the Old Tongue. See also Damodred, Moiraine.
- Aldrin Caldevwin, p. 312 (275)—The officer in the Nine Rings (an inn in Cairhien). He is a captain in the Cairhienin army—he notices Rand’s sword immediately as he walks into the inn.
- Alric, p. 124 (109)—A Warder, bonded to Siuan Sanche, the Amyrlin Seat, for almost twenty years. See also Sanche, Siuan.
- Alsbet Luhhan, p. 345 (304)—Wife of Haral. She is almost as big as her husband, yet Marin claims that Malena knocked her over in the world created by the ter’angreal during Nynaeve’s test for Accepted. See also Luhhan, Haral.
- Aludra, p. 398 (352)—An Illuminator. She is concerned that Tammuz is not as prepared for the display as he says he is. See also Tammuz.
- Alviarin Freidhen, p. 210 (185)—Aes Sedai of the White Ajah. She is one of the Aes Sedai that comes to the tent to teach Egwene and Nynaeve. She is cool and business-like.
- Alwhin, p. 574 (504)—The blue-eyed sul’dam who was supposed to control Nynaeve after she was leashed. Since the Seanchan failed to capture her, Alwhin has become very impatient. She has thin lips and sharp features. Anger seems to be her permanent expression.
- Alwyn al’Van, p. 14 (13)—Cobbler of Emond’s Field. It was he who made Rand’s boots—Rand did not see why Alwyn’s work needed to be replaced when Moiraine ordered new clothes made for him.
- Amalisa Jagad, p. 13 (12)—Sister of Lord Agelmar. She is the one who actually delivers clothes to Rand, Mat, and Perrin. She is also the one who leads the search for the three boys when commanded by Liandrin. She has a dark, mature beauty, and the color of her cheeks sets it off. See also Jagad, Agelmar.
- Amyrlin Seat, p. 10 (9)—The woman who leads the Aes Sedai, equivalent in power to a king or queen, with the additional influence of being Aes Sedai. Elected for life by the Hall of the Tower, the highest council among the Aes Sedai consisting of 21 Sitters, three from each of seven Ajahs. The Amyrlin is considered to be “of all Ajahs and of none”; all of her status in her previous Ajah is ignored. The position is currently held by Siuan Sanche, raised from the Blue Ajah. See also Meraighdin, Bonwhin; Sanche, Siuan; Tetsuan.
- Anaiya, p. 47 (42)—Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, one of the two Aes Sedai to greet Moiraine upon entering Fal Dara. She has dark hair. Her smile is perhaps the only beauty she will ever have, but that is enough for her—everyone feels comforted, perhaps even special, when Anaiya smiles at them.
- Anla, p. 484 (427)—The Wise Counselor from one of Thom’s stories. Note: I have seen it speculated that Anla is a shortening of the name Ann Landers, from our century. It may indeed be the inspiration for the name.
- Arent, p. 383 (337)—Ogier, father of Loial, son of Halan. See also Halan; Loial.
- Arilyn Dhulaine, p. 391 (344)—Noble in Cairhien, one of the people Thom Merrilin has to perform for.
- Artur Hawking, p. 247 (218)—This is either a typographical error (my guess) or a subtle tribute to Stephen Hawking or some other person of that last name. See Hawkwing, Artur.
- Artur Hawkwing, p. 57 (52)—Name by which Artur Paendrag Tanreall was known during his conquest of the world. See Paendrag Tanreall, Artur.
- Artur Paendrag Tanreall, p. 64 (57)—Full name of Artur Hawkwing, ancient king who conquered much of the world hundreds of years ago. He is believed to be the most strongly ta’veren individual in recorded history aside from Lews Therin Telamon and Rand al’Thor. His armies besieged Tar Valon at his behest—the Amyrlin Seat, Bonwhin, was eventually deposed and stilled for trying to set up Hawkwing as the Tower’s puppet. He even sent troops across the Aryth Ocean under his brother Luthair, as well as to the lands beyond the Aiel Waste. His death set off the War of the Hundred Years. His sign was a golden hawk in flight. See also Hawkwing, Artur; Meraighdin, Bonwhin; Paendrag Mondwhin, Luthair.
- Asan Sandair, p. 371 (326)—Officer who comes with Tavolin with instructions for Rand, Hurin, and Loial to write the name of the inn they are staying in on the roster.
- Ashin, p. 460 (405)—Guard at the gates of Lord Barthanes’s manor. He is the guard assigned to Rand, Verin, and their “escort” to guide them to the party.
- Atuan, p. 580 (511)—Namesake of the town Atuan’s Mill, a village on Almoth Plain. This Atuan is not to be confused with Atuan Larisett, Aes Sedai.
- Avendesora,
p. 108 (96)—The Tree of Life of Legend. It leaves no seed, and was
guarded by the Green Man,
at least according to Legend. In reality, the Green Man had nothing to
do with the Tree of Life.
- Ba’alzamon, p. xxi (xix)—Name assumed by Ishamael (one of the Forsaken) and used by Trollocs, Myrddraal, and Darkfriends when he calls them together. The name means “Heart of the Dark,” and is believed by the rest of the world to be the Trolloc name for the Dark One. Ba’alzamon does nothing to keep his followers from believing he is the Dark One. See also Ishamael.
- Barin Madwen, p. 310 (273)—Late husband of Maglin. She describes him as tricksome and scheming, like every man she ever new, especially those from Cairhien. She assumed he would leave her his money and his brother his inn; his will left it the other way around, forcing his widow to remain in Tremonsien instead of returning to Lugard.
- Barthanes Damodred, p. 435 (384)—High Seat of House Damodred, the most powerful house in Cairhien besides House Riatin, the King’s house. His sign is a charging boar. He is extremely tall for a Cairhienin, no more than half a hand shorter than Rand. He has long, graying hair. See also Damodred, Laman; Damodred, Moiraine.
- Basel Gill, p. 57 (52)—The innkeeper of The Queen’s Blessing, the inn where the travelers from Emond’s Field stayed while they were in Caemlyn.
- Bayle Domon, p. 155 (136)—Illianer, captain of the Spray. He has long dark hair to his shoulders, a long beard that leaves his upper lip bare, and a round face. His shoulders are broad and muscular. He collects old things, and includes in his collection a seal on the Dark One’s prison. He does not know that the item is a seal on the prison, only that it is made of cuendillar, heartstone, and that all heartstone objects are very rare and valuable.
- Bela, p. 145 (128)—The horse that Egwene rides. She was originally Tam al’Thor’s farm horse back in Emond’s Field.
- Belevaere Osiellin, p. 465 (410)—One of the guests at Barthanes’s party. Rand meets her when he walks into the room where Thom Merrilin is entertaining. She is perhaps ten years older than Rand.
- Betrayer of Hope, p. 106 (94)—Literal translation of the name Ishamael; the name was given to him out of spite, and it was embraced by him. See Ba’alzamon; Ishamael.
- Bili, p. 156 (137)—Serving man and nephew of Nieda Sidoro, the innkeeper of Easing the Badger, an inn in Illian where Bayle Domon receives an offer that he finally accepts. He is big enough to carry a man out with either hand. See also Nieda Sidoro.
- Birgitte, p. 660 (581)—One of the heroes of Legend called back from the dead by the Horn of Valere. She has golden hair, and carries a silver bow and arrows with which she never misses. She is always linked to Gaidal Cain in the stories. See also Cain, Gaidal.
- Blaes of Matuchin, p. 383 (337)—Heroine of Legend who will be called back from the dead by the Horn of Valere. According to Thom, Seaghan has hired a band of people to impersonate such characters.
- Bonwhin Meraighdin, p. 63 (56)—One of only two Amyrlin Seats to be stripped of the stole. She attempted to use Artur Hawkwing as a puppet with which to control the world, a plan that nearly brought the fall of Tar Valon. The fact that both she and Tetsuan, the only other Amyrlin to be deposed, were raised from the Red Ajah and replaced by Amyrlins raised from the Blue Ajah has created enormous tension between the Red and Blue Ajahs. See also Amyrlin Seat; Paendrag Tanreall, Artur; Tetsuan.
- Bors, p. xvi (xiii)—Pseudonym assumed by a Darkfriend and member of the Children of the Light (the Hand of the Light, in fact) present at a conference with Ba’alzamon. During the conference, he is given orders to track the wherabouts of three young men from the Two Rivers, Rand al’Thor, Matrim Cauthon, and Perrin Aybara. See also Carridin, Jaichim.
- Brandelwyn (Bran) al’Vere, p. 344 (303)—Innkeeper of the Winespring Inn in Emond’s Field, and Egwene’s father. He is dead in the world created by the testing ter’angreal that Nynaeve experiences during her test to become one of the Accepted. See also al’Vere, Egwene; al’Vere, Marin.
- Breane Taborwin, p. 466 (412)—One of the guests at Barthanes’s party. Rand meets her when he walks into the room where Thom Merrilin is entertaining. According to Thom, she alone is trouble enough for a young man like Rand, and he has three of her…. She is older than Alaine and Belevaere.
- Breyan Mandragoran,
p. 107 (95)—Mother of Isam. Her attempt to seize the
throne of Malkier for her husband allowed the Trolloc hordes to come
crashing down.
See also
Mandragoran, Isam;
Mandragoran, Lain;
Mandragoran, Lan.
- Caban, p. 424 (373)—Dark-eyed Seanchan soldier that stays aboard Spray during her voyage from the place of Seanchan capture to Falme. He has nothing but contempt for anyone from east of the Aryth Ocean. He bears a scar above his eyes and another on his chin.
- Mother Caredwain, p. 314 (276)—Person in The Nine Rings that has a hand with soothing herbs.
- Carlinya, p. 54 (49)—Aes Sedai of the White Ajah; one of the Aes Sedai in the Amyrlin’s chambers when Moiraine is summoned. Her skin is a pale and her manner is as cold as the white on her shawl.
- Carn, p. 159 (140)—Member of Bayle Domon’s crew who died shortly before Domon accepted the orders to sail from Mayene to Illian. See also Domon, Bayle.
- Catrine, p. 310 (273)—Serving girl in The Nine Rings. According to Mistress Madwen, Catrine has a tendency to break dishes when “mooning over some young fellow.” She knocks over a lantern and starts a fire just as Caldevwin asks what name he may call Selene by.
- Cenn Buie, p. 32 (29)—Member of the Village Council of Emond’s Field. He is quite old, and quite fond of stories. He also appears to Nynaeve in the testing ter’angreal as the Mayor of Emond’s Field.
- Changu, p. 40 (37)—Guard on Padan Fain’s dungeon cell for one watch. He is the first rude Shienaran Rand has ever met. He is most likely a Darkfriend, or at least corrupted by Fain, and allowed the Trollocs and Myrddraal to descend upon Fal Dara to free Fain. See also Fain, Padan.
- Coramoor, p. 52 (47)—According to the Jendai Prophecy of the Sea Folk, the Coramoor will lead them out of the seas for the first time since the Breaking. See also Dragon Reborn.
- Corin Ayellin, p. 347 (305)—Woman from Emond’s Field. In the world of the testing ter’angreal, she is the only person (according to Marin al’Vere) that will listen to reason and get rid of Malena.
- The Creator, p. xxi (xvii)—Maker of the Universe, the stars, Earth, the True Source: everything in existence. At the moment of Creation, He imprisoned Shai’tan, the Dark One, believed to be his complete opposite, in a prison to prevent him from touching the world He had made. The Creator prefers not to interfere in worldly events. See also Dragon, The; Shai’tan.
- Cuale,
p. 372 (328)—Innkeeper of The Defender of the Dragonwall, the inn where
Rand and company stay while in Cairhien. He is plump and
- Dain Bornhald, p. 72 (64)—Son of Geofram Bornhald. He is full of zeal, and will most likely follow any orders Eamon Valda gives him without thinking them through first. See also Bornhald, Geofram; Valda, Eamon.
- Dalar, p. 503 (444)—Ogier who, according to Loial, spent ten years among the Sea Folk (i.e., away from the stedding) and experienced no ill effects.
- Dark One, p. xii (ix)—Most common name (used in every land) for Shai’tan. See Shai’tan.
- Daughter of the Night, p. 105 (93)—Translation of the Old Tongue “Lanfear.” The poetry on the walls of the Fal Dara dungeon says that she walks the world again. See Lanfear.
- Daughter-Heir (of Andor), p. 10 (9)—By Andoran tradition, the oldest daughter of the Queen succeeds her on the Lion Throne. No man is allowed to be King, at least not as more than a figurehead. The previous Daughter-Heir, Tigraine, disappeared over twenty years ago; the current Daughter-Heir is Elayne Trakand. It is also traditional for the Daughter-Heir and her oldest brother (who will become First Prince of the Sword when she becomes Queen) to train in Tar Valon, but Elayne is the first Daughter-Heir, indeed, the first ruler of any kind in recent memory, to actually have enough ability to channel that she will become Aes Sedai. See also Mantear, Tigraine; Trakand, Elayne.
- Davian, p. 690 (606)—False Dragon of old times. Ba’alzamon claims that he was used by Aes Sedai, just as all other false Dragons were. See also Dragon Reborn.
- Deain, p. 573 (503)—Aes Sedai that lived in the era of Artur Hawkwing and Luthair. She decided that her cause would be better served by serving Luthair, so she created an a’dam, a silver leash with bracelet and collar that can be used to control women who can channel. It is this device that is used by sul’dam to control damane. Eventually Luthair and his armies used Deain’s own creation against her; when she herself was collared, it was said that her screams shook the Towers of Midnight.
- Dena, p. 381 (335)—Woman who lives with Thom Merrilin. She is also learning to be a gleeman of sorts from him. She loves Thom, and he her, although Thom knows he is too old for her. See also Merrilin, Thomdril.
- The Dragon, p. xii (ix)—Name given to Lews Therin Telamon during the War of the Shadow. It is said the Dragon will be Reborn on the slopes of Dragonmount, where Lews Therin took his own life, at mankind’s greatest hour of need. See also Dragon Reborn; Promised One; Telamon, Lews Therin.
- Dragon Reborn, p. xii (ix)—According to the Karaethon Cycle, the Prophecies of the Dragon, the Dragon will be Reborn on the slopes of Dragonmount, born of a Maiden, of the ancient blood but raised by the old. It is said that the Dragon Reborn, now known to be Rand al’Thor of the Two Rivers, will sever all oaths and bring chaos and great change to the world. He will save the world—and Break it again. See also Ablar, Logain; al’Thor, Rand; Amalasan, Guaire; Davian; Dragon, The; He Who Comes With the Dawn; Promised One; Stonebow, Yurian; Taim, Mazrim; Telamon, Lews Therin.
- Dunsinin,
p. 376 (331)—Heroine of
Legend who plants a single rose on the piled stones of a grave in Shara
Pass. She keeps the bargain of Rogosh Eagle Eye
in one of Thom’s stories.
- Eamon Valda, p. 72 (64)—Whitecloak left in charge of the small army left behind in Caemlyn when Geofram Bornhald was summoned back to Amador by Pedron Niall.
- Child Earwin, p. 415 (366)—Member of the Children of the Light and a Child of the Hand of the Light, the Questioners. He is one of two people spotted by the villagers who made the gibbet that Geofram Bornhald is angry about. He is a big man, with gray eyes and a long mustache.
- Easar Togita, p. 50 (45)—King of Shienar, the only person with authority over Lord Agelmar in Fal Dara. His palace is in Fal Moran. He is the uncle of Amalisa. See also Jagad, Amalisa.
- Egeanin Elidar, p. 422 (372)—Captain of the Seanchan ship that overtakes and boards Spray.
- Egwene al’Vere, p. 7—A young woman from Emond’s Field. She was all but promised to Rand from a young age, but they both feel somewhat uncomfortable now that they know that Rand is the Dragon Reborn. Like Nynaeve, Egwene is told that she can channel the One Power, and that she has the capability to be the strongest Aes Sedai in a thousand years (besides Nynaeve). She is on her way to Tar Valon to become a novice in the White Tower. See also al’Vere, Brandelwyn; al’Vere, Marin; Emain, Renna; Tuli.
- Einor Saren, p. 73 (65)—Second-in-command of the Hand of the Light, more commonly known as the Questioners, in Tarabon. He is tall and has a hooked nose. He also carriess the gleam of certainty in his eyes that is common to the Questioners. His superior is Jaichim Carridin. He meets Geofram Bornhald in a field to deliver new orders to him. Bornhald was suspicious of the fact that a Questioner was sent with his new orders.
- Elaida do Avriny a’Roihan, p. 56 (50)—Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, and advisor to Queen Morgase of Andor. She sometimes has the Foretelling, and had a strong vision of Rand al’Thor when he was brought before the Queen after falling over the palace wall. Elaida also accompanies Elayne and Gawyn on their journey to Tar Valon. She is handsome rather than beautiful. Egwene’s first impression of her is one of being hard: while Moiraine was strong, like steel covered by silk, Elaida dispenses with the silk.
- Elansu, p. 13 (12)—The shatayan of Fal Dara keep. She is the one who informed Rand of Moiraine’s decision to make him new clothes.
- Elayne Trakand, p. 51 (46)—Daughter-Heir of Andor. She is the daughter of Queen Morgase and her late husband, Taringail Damodred. She was discovered to have a considerable potential to channel the One Power, and will no doubt become one of the strongest Aes Sedai in thousands of years. While a novice, she becomes friends with Egwene and Nynaeve. She also has feelings for Rand al’Thor, who she met when he fell into her garden in Caemlyn. See also al’Thor, Rand; al’Vere, Egwene; Damodred, Galadedrid; Damodred, Taringail; Trakand, Gawyn; Trakand, Morgase.
- Ella, p. 487 (430)—Serving girl in The Bunch of Grapes, an inn in the Foregate of Cairhien in which Thom Merrilin and Dena stay.
- Ellaine Marise’idin Alshinn, p. xii (ix)—Chief Librarian at the Court of Arafel in 231 NE. She translated the Karaethon Cycle.
- Ellisande, p. 63 (56)—Name given to Eldrene, wife of Aemon al’Caar al’Thorin, king of Manetheren. The name means “Rose of the Sun.” Her country was betrayed by Tetsuan, who was then the Amyrlin Seat, out of jealousy over her abilities and influence. See also Tetsuan.
- Elmindreda (Min) Farshaw, p. 361 (317)—Woman from Baerlon who Egwene met in the inn they were staying at there. She dresses in clothing normally seen on men and has her hair done in a boyish manner—probably the closest thing to a “tomboy” that exists in The Great Hunt. She has a talent to “see” things about people, and these images can often foretell the future. Like Elayne, she has feelings for Rand al’Thor that developed when she first met him at the inn in Baerlon. See also al’Thor, Rand.
- Elnore al’Meara, p. 350 (309)—Nynaeve’s mother. In the last segment of her test for Accepted, Nynaeve names her daughter after her own mother. See also al’Meara, Nynaeve; Mandragoran, Elnore.
- Elnore Mandragoran, p. 350 (309)—One of Lan and Nynaeve’s children in the world of the testing ter’angreal. She was named after Nynaeve’s mother. See also al’Meara, Elnore; al’Meara, Nynaeve; Mandragoran, Lan.
- Elricain Tavolin, p. 318 (280)—Commander of the escort that Caldevwin assigns to Rand and company on their way from Tremonsien to Cairhien.
- Else Grinwell, p. 359 (316)—Novice in the White Tower. Elayne describes her as a “lazy chit.” She was one of the people who allowed Rand and Mat to stay in her house (actually her parents’ house) while they were traveling from Emond’s Field to Caemlyn on the way to Fal Dara. She is later dismissed from the Tower because of her habit of staring at the Warders’ students and not learning or doing her own work.
- Elyas Machera, p. 227 (199)—A man Perrin met when he and Egwene got separated from the rest of the group on the way to Fal Dara. Elyas helped Perrin discover his ability to communicate with wolves. See also Aybara, Perrin; Long Tooth.
- The Empress (of Seanchan), p. 430 (379)—Leader of the empire built by Artur Hawkwing’s son Luthair. She lives in Seanchan, on the far side of the Aryth Ocean. See also Paendrag, Tuon Athaem Kore.
- Erith,
p. 502 (443)—Daughter of
Iva daughter of Alar, an Ogier
from Stedding Tsofu. She greets Verin,
Loial, Rand, and their company
upon entering the stedding.
See also
- Father of Lies, p. 241 (213)—Alternative, and deadly accurate, nickname for Shai’tan, the Dark One. See Shai’tan.
- Master Fitch,
p. 361 (317)—Innkeeper of the Stag and Lion, an inn in Baerlon. The inn was
burned down by Darkfriends, but Moiraine sent him enough
gold for him to rebuild it twice as big. He did so.
See also
Farshaw, Elmindreda.
- Gaidal Cain, p. 383 (337)—Character out of legend who will be called back from the dead by the Horn of Valere. A swarthy man, he carries two swords and can use them both from horseback. He is always linked to Birgitte in the stories. According to Thom, Seaghan has hired a band of people to impersonate such characters. See also Birgitte.
- Galadedrid (Galad) Damodred, p. 362 (318)—Half-brother to Elayne and Gawyn, son of their father Taringail Damodred and his first wife, Tigraine. Galad always does what he thinks is right, even if it would hurt his family and friends. He has extreme skill with a sword, learning everything the Warders teach him after one demonstration. He is strikingly handsome, even more so than his half-brother Gawyn. Like Gawyn, he has a crush on Egwene al’Vere, but she does not return his feelings the way she does Gawyn’s. See also Damodred, Taringail; Mantear, Tigraine; Trakand, Elayne; Trakand, Gawyn; Trakand, Morgase.
- Galldrian Riatin, p. 161 (142)—King of Cairhien, Defender of the Dragonwall. He signed the parchment that was given to Bayle Domon to deliver. He also invited Rand to his manor for a feast and party. Rand declined. See also Damodred, Barthanes; Damodred, Laman.
- Gareth Bryne, p. 51 (46)—Captain-General of the Queen’s Guards in Andor. Since Morgase had no living brothers, she chose Bryne to be her First Prince of the Sword in place of a brother. He is one of the best generals alive. See also Trakand, Morgase.
- Gareth Byrne, p. 52 (47)—Misspelling of Gareth Bryne. This is one of several typos that occur throughout the series. See Bryne, Gareth.
- Gawyn Trakand, p. 51 (46)—Brother to Elayne. He will become the First Prince of the Sword when Elayne becomes queen of Andor. Both he and his half-brother, Galad, are strikingly handsome. See also Damodred, Galadedrid; Trakand, Elayne; Trakand, Morgase.
- Geofram Bornhald, p. 71 (63)—Lord Captain of a band of the Children of the Light. He is a principal conspirator in the plot to overthrow Queen Morgase of Andor. Like all Children of the Light, he despises anyone trained in the White Tower. He is the best battle commander amongst the Children, with the exception of Pedron Niall himself. See also Bornhald, Dain.
- Gitara Moroso, p. 127 (113)—Keeper of the Chronicles during the Aiel War. When she had the Foretelling, it was strong. Perhaps her strongest Foretelling occurred in front of Siuan Sanche and Moiraine Damodred (then Accepted) in the Amyrlin’s chamber when she Foretold the birth of the Dragon Reborn. She died immediately after this Foretelling. It is due to Gitara that both Moiraine and Siuan chose the Blue Ajah and dedicated their lives to finding the boy who would grow up to become the Dragon Reborn. See also Damodred, Moiraine; Mantear, Luc; Mantear, Tigraine; Sanche, Siuan.
- Grassburner, p. 689 (606)—Alternative name for the Dark One, especially common among the Aiel. See Shai’tan.
- Great Lord of the Dark, p. xx (xvii)—Name used by Darkfriends to refer to Shai’tan, the Dark One, claiming that to use his true name would be blasphemy. See Shai’tan.
- Guaire Amalasan,
p. 127 (112)—False Dragon who commanded a large army
during the time period from Free Years 939–943.
He was able to channel the One Power with great strength.
During his campaigns, he laid siege to the Stone of Tear in hopes
of taking Callandor, and tried to take Tar Valon as well.
Unfortunately for him, another young king came to power during
his life, a young man named Artur Paendrag Tanreall,
later known as Artur Hawkwing. Hawkwing put an
end to Amalasan’s conquest of the world, and conquered it for himself.
Note that Amalasan’s name was misspelled as Amalasin when he first
appears in this book.
See also
Dragon Reborn.
- Halan, p. 383 (337)—Ogier, father of Arent and grandfather of Loial. See also Arent; Loial.
- Elder Haman, p. 237 (209)—One of the Elders of Stedding Shangtai. Loial thinks that Haman would probably think he was being rash by making a quarterstaff in the alternate universe, but Loial does not think so. Loial admires him considerably. Elder Haman is evidently free with his opinion, at least around Loial, that King Galldrian of Cairhien is a disgrace. See also Loial.
- The Hammer (of the Light), p. 105 (93)—Name given to Artur Hawkwing. See Hawkwing, Artur; Paendrag Tanreall, Artur.
- Haral Luhhan, p. 229 (201)—Blacksmith of Emond’s Field. His apprentice was Perrin Aybara. He is a very large man: his arms are as big as most men’s legs. He sits on the Village Council. See also Aybara, Perrin; Luhhan, Alsbet.
- He Who Comes With the Dawn, p. 411 (363)—Man the Aiel are searching for. He is prophesied to lead the Aiel out of the Three-Fold Land, born of their blood but raised by wetlanders. See also al’Thor, Rand; Coramoor; Dragon Reborn.
- He Whose Name Must Not Be Uttered, p. xxii (xix)—Alternative name for the Dark One. See Shai’tan.
- Heartfang, p. 689 (605)—Alternative name for the Dark One. It is also used by the wolves for Ba’alzamon. See Ba’alzamon; Shai’tan.
- Heartsbane, p. 132 (117)—Alternative name for the Dark One. See Shai’tan.
- Huan Aladon, p. 497 (438)—Seanchan officer, assistant to High Lord Turak. He was born and raised in House Aladon. He sports the typical Seanchan officer’s hairdo: one side is shaved clean, the other quite long and done in a braid. His hair is blond.
- Huon, p. 635 (559)—Alternative or misspelling of Huan, Turak’s main servant. See Aladon, Huan.
- Hurin,
p. 152 (134)—A “sniffer,”
one who can “smell” evil. His ability
has nothing to do with the One Power, but Aes Sedai always seem nervous
around abilities they do not understand, especially in men, so he
usually keeps quiet around them.
See also
- Ilyena Therin Moerelle, p. 107 (94)—Wife of Lews Therin Telamon. Her marriage to him drew intense jealousy from Lanfear. See also Lanfear; Telamon, Lews Therin.
- Ingtar Shinowa, p. 10 (8)—Shienaran Lord. Lord Agelmar charges him to lead the band of soldiers to recover the Horn of Valere. His sign is the Gray Owl.
- Irella, p. 539 (475)—Skinny Accepted who tells Nynaeve that she is as clumsy as a cow and had half of the Talents. Nynaeve clouted her ear for this, and was sent to Sheriam’s study. She is lanky, and bears a permanent frown.
- Isam Mandragoran, p. 105 (93)—Character mentioned in the poetry on the walls of the Fal Dara dungeon. He was the son of Breyan and Lain Mandragoran. Both Breyan and Isam vanished when the Trollocs overran Malkier. He is blood kin to Lan. See also Mandragoran, Breyan; Mandragoran, Lain; Mandragoran, Lan; Mantear, Luc.
- Ishamael, p. 106 (94)—One of the Forsaken. His name means “Betrayer of Hope” in the Old Tongue. He was one of the first of the Forsaken to turn to the Shadow, and was the most powerful of them—in fact, he was one of the most powerful Aes Sedai of all time, second only to Lews Therin Telamon, the Dragon, Lord of the Morning. See also Ba’alzamon.
- Iva, p. 502 (443)—Ogier from Stedding Tsofu, daughter of Alar and mother of Erith. See also Alar; Erith.
- Ivon,
p. 383 (337)—Bladesmith
in Cairhien. He makes some knives for
Dena—apparently she will have a similar set
to the ones Thom uses stowed up his sleeves.
- Jaem, p. 326 (287)—Warder bonded to Vandene. While he is practicing his forms, Lan joins him—Lan gets frustrated and stops, and the two return just in time to save Moiraine from a Dragkhar. See also Namelle, Vandene.
- Jaichim Carridin, p. 73 (65)—Commander of the Hand of the Light (the Questioners) in Tarabon. As a Questioner, he wears the golden sunburst of the Children of the Light with the red shepherd’s crook of the Hand of the Light behind it. See also Bors.
- Jain Farstrider, p. 452 (399)—A hero of legend about which The Travels of Jain Farstrider, a popular book, is written. In the book, he goes to the lands beyond the Aiel Waste, journeys among the Sea Folk, and many other epic adventures.
- Jak o’ the Wisps, p. 483 (425)—According to Ingtar, something that is useless to chase, possibly similar to a wild goose.
- Jaret Byar, p. 75 (66)—Second to Geofram Bornhald in the army of two thousand Whitecloaks that Bornhald commands. See also Bornhald, Geofram.
- Child Jeral, p. 416 (367)—Soldier for the Children of the Light. He comes to Bornhald’s encampment with a message for him. He is still young and unaware of how Bornhald and other Lords Captain expect to be treated.
- Jon Thane, p. 115 (101)—Miller of Emond’s Field. Rand describes Leane as similar in personality—a “do it right, and do it now” sort of man.
- Juin,
p. 508 (448)—An Ogier from Stedding Tsofu, son of Lacel son of
Laud. He broke up the potential fight between the
Aiel Maidens and the armed visitors, Ingtar and
his group.
See also
- Kajin, p. 98 (87)—An officer in Fal Dara who is responsible for determining who is missing after the Trolloc attack. He is nearly as tall as Rand and is lean and sallow. He has black hair.
- Kari al’Thor, p. 129 (114)—Tam’s wife. She died when Rand was very young. She grew up in Caemlyn. See also al’Thor, Rand; al’Thor, Tamlin.
- Keeper of the Chronicles, p. 54 (49)—Secretary of sorts for the Amyrlin Seat. By tradition, the Keeper is chosen from the same Ajah as the Amyrlin was raised from. However, the Keeper represents the Amyrlin, not the Ajah she is part of. The current Keeper is Leane Sharif, raised from the Blue Ajah. See also Amyrlin Seat; Sharif, Leane.
- Kinslayer,
p. 188 (169)—Name given in fear to
Lews Therin Telamon after he killed his family and
everyone he ever loved in madness.
See also
Dragon, The;
Moerelle, Ilyena Therin;
Telamon, Lews Therin.
- Lacel, p. 508 (448)—Ogier from Stedding Tsofu, son of Laud and father of Juin. See also Juin; Laud.
- Lain Mandragoran, p. 107 (95)—Father of Isam and husband to Breyan. See also Mandragoran, Breyan; Mandragoran, Isam; Mandragoran, Lan.
- Laman Damodred, p. 127 (113)—King of Cairhien before the Aiel War. In order to build his new throne, Laman cut down Avendoraldera, a Chora tree that grew in the center of the city of Cairhien. This act, known as Laman’s Sin, prompted three clans of the Aiel to cross the Spine of the World and avenge the death of the tree by taking his life. The tree had been a gift from the Aiel in gratitude for the hospitality the people of Cairhien had displayed to them in the past. It is unknown whether Laman knew of the significance of Avendoraldera, or of the reason the Aiel allowed the people of his kingdom to cross the Waste. The fact that he cut the tree down and brought the Aiel over the Dragonwall allowed Prophesy to be fulfilled and the Dragon Reborn to be born on the slopes of Dragonmount, born of the ancient blood (Aiel) and raised by the old (Manetheren). Laman is Moiraine’s uncle. See also Damodred, Moiraine; Damodred, Taringail; Riatin, Galldrian.
- al’Lan Mandragoran, p. 2—A Warder, bonded to Moiraine. He is the uncrowned king of Malkier, a nation now swallowed by the Great Blight. He teaches Rand how to use his sword, as well as how to stand up to the Amyrlin Seat and other people of importance that he will encounter in the future. He always tries to act as stolid and unemotional as possible, but he has taken a liking to Nynaeve al’Meara, and his feelings for her occasionally allow Moiraine to get in under his guard. See also al’Meara, Nynaeve; Damodred, Moiraine; Mandragoran, Breyan; Mandragoran, Isam; Mandragoran, Lain.
- Lanfear, p. 106 (94)—One of the Forsaken. She is believed to be the second most powerful of the Forsaken, second only to Ishamael. Unlike the rest of the Forsaken, who were given their names by those they betrayed, Lanfear chose her name herself—in the Old Tongue, “Daughter of the Night.” Besides her name, the only thing known about her for certain is that before she went over to the Shadow, she was the lover of Lews Therin Telamon, the Dragon. See also Selene.
- Laud, p. 508 (448)—Ogier from Stedding Tsofu, father of Lacel and grandfather of Juin. See also Juin; Lacel.
- Leafblighter, p. 689 (606)—Alternative name for the Dark One. See Shai’tan.
- Leane Sharif, p. 54 (49)—Keeper of the Chronicles under Siuan Sanche. She is as tall as most men, has coppery skin, and short, dark hair. She grew up in Arad Doman, and was raised from the Blue Ajah. She speaks in a clipped, rapid way that never changes, whether she is calm, angry, joyful, or excited. Her brothers were almost as big as Perrin. See also Keeper of the Chronicles; Sanche, Siuan.
- Lenn, p. 119 (105)—According to Lan, a man who flew to the moon.
- Lews Therin Telamon, p. 107 (94)—The Dragon, Breaker of the World. He led the armies of the Light during the War of the Shadow, as well as the stroke that re-sealed the Dark One’s prison. He is believed to be the strongest Aes Sedai of all time, as well as the most strongly ta’veren individual in recorded history. His banner was a white field with a four-footed serpentine creature (a dragon) on it. This banner was given to Rand al’Thor after it was discovered that he was the Dragon Reborn. Unfortunately, Lews Therin went mad along with the rest of the Hundred Companions, finally killing his wife, children, and everyone he loved. He was thus given the name Kinslayer, and his name is now associated with evil in the eyes of many. See also al’Thor, Rand; Dragon, The; Dragon Reborn; Kinslayer; Lanfear; Moerelle, Ilyena Therin.
- Liandrin, p. 47 (42)—Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. She and Anaiya greeted Moiraine in her room in Fal Dara. She is young and pretty, with a small, petulant mouth. She has dark eyebrows and darker eyes, but has honey-colored hair that she wears in a multitude of braids. She grew up in Tarabon. She is less than a hand taller than Moiraine. She always seems dissatisfied. She has few friends, and none outside the Red Ajah—Moiraine speculates that Liandrin sees little difference between men and Trollocs, though she suspects the rest of the Red Ajah holds similar views.
- Lidan, p. 314 (276)—Serving girl at The Nine Rings, an inn in Tremonsien, Cairhien.
- Lini Eltring, p. 577 (508)—Nurse to Elayne, as well as Morgase, in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn.
- Logain Ablar, p. 49 (44)—The false Dragon who created war in Ghealdan before he was gentled by Aes Sedai. Not only could he channel, but he was of strength greater than most other male Aes Sedai, living or dead. See also Dragon Reborn.
- Loial, p. 30 (27)—Ogier from Stedding Shangtai, son of Arent son of Halan. He is quite fond of books. Loial is about ninety years old, which (by Ogier standards) is hardly old enough to leave the stedding alone.
- Long Tooth, p. 226 (199)—The name the wolves gave to Elyas Machera, referring to the long hunting knife he uses. See Machera, Elyas.
- Lord of the Dawn, p. 678 (599)—Name for Lews Therin Telamon during the War of Power. See al’Thor, Rand; Dragon, The; Dragon Reborn; Telamon, Lews Therin.
- Lord of the Grave, p. 689 (605)—Alternative name for the Dark One. See Shai’tan.
- Lothair Mantelar, p. 688 (604)—Author of The Way of the Light and founder of the Children of the Light.
- Luc Mantear, p. 105 (93)—Brother of Tigraine. His name is mentioned in the dark poetry on the walls of the dungeon in Fal Dara. He disappeared into the Great Blight around the year 971 N.E.; his disappearance is believed to be connected to Tigraine’s later disappearance into the Aiel Waste. His sign was an acorn. See also Mandragoran, Isam; Mantear, Tigraine; Moroso, Gitara; Trakand, Morgase.
- Luthair Paendrag Mondwhin,
p. 495 (436)—Son of Artur Hawkwing who led some of
his armies across the Aryth Ocean to the lands of the Seanchan.
See also
Paendrag Tanreall, Artur.
- Machin Shin, p. 474 (419)—The Black Wind. It is a creature of the Ways, a black wind that consumes the soul of any it encounters along the Ways. It is said that Machin Shin cannot leave the Ways, but it apparently tried to do so when Rand opened the Waygate at Cairhien. According to what Moiraine was able to extract from Padan Fain in Fal Dara, Fain encountered the Black Wind in the Ways, and rather than consuming him, it welcomed him as a friend.
- Maglin Madwen, p. 308 (272)—Innkeeper of The Nine Rings, an inn in Tremonsien, Cairhien where Rand, Loial, Hurin, and Selene stay during their short time in Cairhien. She was married to the late Barin Madwen. She grew up in Lugard; she assumed she would return there after her husband died, but he left her the Nine Rings and gave all his money to his brother, forcing Maglin to remain in Cairhien. See also Madwen, Barin.
- Maigan, p. 59 (53)—Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She was part of the Amyrlin’s entourage to Fal Dara.
- Malena Aylar, p. 345 (303)—The Wisdom of Emond’s Field in Nynaeve’s test for becoming one of the Accepted. She is not a kindly Wisdom, even going as far as poisoning the children and then healing them to make it appear that she is helping. See also al’Meara, Nynaeve.
- Mandarb, p. 145 (128)—Lan’s stallion. He is black and fierce-eyed. See also Mandragoran, Lan.
- Mara, p. 484 (427)—Character from one of Thom Merrilin’s stories, Mara and the Three Foolish Kings.
- Maric Mandragoran, p. 350 (309)—One of Lan and Nynaeve’s children in the world of the testing ter’angreal. See also al’Meara, Nynaeve; Mandragoran, Elnore; Mandragoran, Lan.
- Marin al’Vere, p. 344 (303)—Wife of Bran, mother of Egwene. She appears in Nynaeve’s test for Accepted. See also al’Vere, Brandelwyn; al’Vere, Egwene.
- Marisa Ayellin, p. 518—Girl from Emond’s Field who thinks Mat Cauthon is handsome. Perrin says that Marisa has a face like a goat, but this was just to spite Mat. She is actually about as pretty as Egwene, according to Rand. See also Ayellin, Neysa.
- Marith Riven, p. 625 (550)—Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah at which Elayne once threw a cup. What Sheriam did to her in punishment was what Nynaeve made Seta feel through the a’dam.
- Masema Dagar, p. 25 (23)—A Shienaran soldier, and the other guard at the gates of Shienar. Masema is one of the worst at refusing to treat Rand as anything more than an outlander. See also Ragan.
- Matrim (Mat) Cauthon, p. 7 (6)—A young man from Emond’s Field, and a good friend of Rand al’Thor and Perrin Aybara. He has brown eyes. As a child, Mat was known for his practical jokes and other mischief, often getting his best friends in trouble with him. He has two younger sisters, Bodewhin and Eldrin. As an adult, Mat had grown to be one of the tallest men in the Two Rivers before he left home. When he was traveling from Emond’s Field to the Eye of the World, he picked up a dagger from Aridhol, more commonly known as Shadar Logoth, which was tainted with evil. He was partially healed by Moiraine, but the dagger was stolen before his link with it could be completely broken. If it is not broken soon, Mat will waste away and die. See also al’Thor, Rand; Aybara, Perrin.
- Matt, p. 410 (361)—This is one of the most understandable typographical errors in the book. See Cauthon, Matrim.
- Mavra Mallen, p. 133 (118)—Wisdom of Deven Ride. She takes over for Nynaeve in Emond’s Field when Nynaeve leaves to find Rand, Mat, Perrin, and Egwene. See also al’Meara, Nynaeve.
- Mazrim Taim, p. 66 (59)—False Dragon from Saldaea. Not only can he channel the One Power, but he is allegedly of great strength. He is still at large. See also Dragon Reborn.
- Melia, p. 218 (191)—Wife of Hurin. Hurin tells Rand that he must get them back to their normal universe to avoid upsetting her, because she would grieve to the end of her days if she did not even receive a body to prove he was dead. See also Hurin.
- Michael, p. 660—Alternative spelling of Mikel. See Mikel of the Pure Heart.
- Mikel of the Pure Heart, p. 660—One of the heroes of Legend called back from the dead by the Horn of Valere. See also Michael.
- Goodwife Mili, p. 468 (413)—The focus of one of Thom Merrilin’s gleeman tales, Goodwife Mili and the Silk Merchant.
- Mistress of Novices, p. 77 (69)—Aes Sedai in charge of novice training in the White Tower. She serves as both a disciplinarian and a shoulder to cry on for girls who need either. The current Mistress of Novices is Sheriam Bayanar of the Blue Ajah. See also Bayanar, Sheriam.
- Moiraine Damodred, p. 5—Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who has dedicated her life to finding the Dragon Reborn. She came to the Two Rivers and found three young men who she thought may be the one she sought, and was correct. She is bonded to Lan and is an old friend of the Amyrlin Seat. Due to the nature of her life’s work, she has not been back to the White Tower in a long time. She grew up in the Royal Palace of Cairhien. Moiraine is very short—she is considered short even amongst the Cairhienin, and they are already a short people. She wears a clear blue stone on her forehead, suspended from golden chain worked through her hair. See also Mandragoran, Lan; Sanche, Siuan.
- Mordeth, p. 43 (39)—Spirit of the advisor to the last leader of the city of Aridhol who used evil as a weapon against the Shadow. Eventually that evil destroyed Aridhol and everyone who lived there, tainting the very ground it rested on. Mordeth is always on the lookout for innocent passers-by that come into Shadar Logoth (the new name for Aridhol)—it is said that if he ever accompanied anyone to the city walls, he would be able to consume that person’s soul. This happened in the case of Padan Fain, but Mordeth was unable to completely consume Fain’s soul. Instead, Fain’s evil from the Dark One combined with Mordeth’s evil to create something that was more evil than either of them alone, possibly more evil than the Dark One himself. See also Fain, Padan.
- Morgase Trakand, p. 51 (46)—Queen of Andor, mother of Elayne and Gawyn. She was trained, as all queens of Andor have been for centuries, in the White Tower by Aes Sedai. She is one of the only monarchs to openly admit to having an Aes Sedai advisor, Elaida. Her grip on the throne is weaker than it once was, but she still holds it. See also a’Roihan, Elaida do Avriny; Damodred, Taringail; Mantear, Tigraine; Merrilin, Thomdril; Trakand, Elayne; Trakand, Gawyn.
- Muadh, p. 414 (365)—Member of Geofram Bornhald’s legion whom Bornhald accuses of making a gibbet on the village green which holds thirty bodies. Muadh informs him that it was neither him nor the Seanchan, but that it was done by Questioners. Muadh fell into the hands of Darkfriends, once; the experience left scars on his face that startle nearly everyone and a hoarse voice that sounds like a whispered growl.
- Mulaen, p. 596 (523)—Seanchan woman whom Min considers to be an “old hag” and who says, “Everyone has a place in the Pattern, and the place of everyone should be readily apparent.” To make Min’s place apparent, she dresses her as a servant and burns Min’s coat and breeches. She has a droning, nasal voice.
- Myrelle Berengari,
p. 323 (285)—Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah.
She currently has three Warders, and
treats each of them as a husband. She was selected by
Moiraine as the one Moiraine would pass
Lan’s bond to in the event that she died before he
did. She agrees to keep Lan only as long as necessary, before another
Aes Sedai can be found to pass Lan’s bond to.
See also
Mandragoran, Lan.
- Nela al’Caar, p. 344 (303)—Woman from Emond’s Field. In the world of the testing ter’angreal, Nynaeve notes that her house is out of repair. See also al’Caar, Paet.
- Neysa Ayellin, p. (456)—Woman from Emond’s Field, mother of Marisa. Neysa is mistakenly named as the girl who finds Mat handsome in some editions of the books; Neysa is of course the mother, and Marisa the daughter near Mat’s age. See also Ayellin, Marisa.
- Nidao, p. 41 (37)—Other guard on the gate during Changu’s watch. The two almost always held watch together, even if it meant extra work. See also Changu; Fain, Padan.
- Nieda Sidoro, p. 156 (137)—Innkeeper of Easing the Badger, an inn in Illian. Bayle Domon receives an offer to sail from Mayene to Tear (for a hefty sum) there. When Domon leaves on this voyage, his ship is captured by the Seanchan. See also Domon, Bayle.
- Lady Nisura, p. 121 (107)—One of Amalisa’s attendants. She is described as a very “round-faced” woman.
- Nynaeve al’Meara,
p. 7 (6)—A young woman from Emond’s Field. She was the Wisdom of
Emond’s Field prior to leaving to help four members of her village
return home after they left with Moiraine. Moiraine
tells her that she has the ability to channel the One Power with
great strength, and that it is this ability that allows her to
“listen to the wind.” While traveling with Moiraine and
company, Nynaeve develops feelings for Lan. He
shares her feelings, but is unable to act on them due to his duties as a
Warder and those to his fallen homeland.
See also
al’Meara, Elnore;
Mandragoran, Elnore;
Mandragoran, Lan;
Mandragoran, Maric.
- Old Jak, p. 311 (274)—Man in a song Rand knows on the flute, “Old Jak’s Up a Tree.”
- Oscar, p. 660—Alternative name for Otarin. See Otarin.
- Otarin, p. 660—One of the heroes of Legend called back from the dead by the Horn of Valere. See also Oscar.
- Owyn Merrilin,
p. 389 (342)—Nephew
of Thom. He was able to channel saidin,
and was gentled by the Red Ajah. According to Thom, he stopped wanting
to live shorty afterward. However, he was able to hold off the madness
for three years before that—but he was beginning to show signs of
it when the Aes Sedai gentled him. He used the One Power sparingly,
and then only to help his village, but the villagers were starting to
become fearful of him. His death is still quite troubling to
Thom, and makes him suspicious of all Aes Sedai.
See also
Merrilin, Thomdril.
- Padan Fain, p. 39 (35)—Former peddler, now found to be a Darkfriend. He can sense the presence of Rand al’Thor from a long distance, and has stolen the Horn of Valere. His scent, as described by the Sniffer Hurin, is worse than Trollocs, worse than Fades—it is worse than evil. See also Mordeth.
- Master Padwhin, p. 201 (177)—The carpenter in Emond’s Field. Egwene remembers him looking at his tools in much the same way that the Amyrlin Seat looked at her and Nynaeve—this one for this purpose, that one for that.
- Paedrig, p. 660—One of the heroes of Legend called back from the dead by the Horn of Valere. See also Patrick.
- Paet al’Caar, p. 346 (305)—Man from Emond’s Field, husband of Nela. In the world of the testing ter’angreal, Nynaeve finds that he hanged himself the day after Malena, the Wisdom, scrawled the Dragon’s Fang on his door after he told her she did not have Nynaeve’s skill with healing. She declared him to have sinned by opposing her, killed his two sons in their sleep, and turned his wife against him—Nela went mad and proclaimed him to be the Dark One. See also al’Caar, Nela.
- Patrick, p. 660—Alternative name for Paedrig. See Paedrig.
- Pedra, p. 355 (312)—One of the Accepted. She guides Egwene to her room on her first day in Tar Valon. She is a short, wiry woman, slightly older than Nynaeve.
- Pedron Niall, p. 71 (63)—Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light. He is the most powerful man among the Children, and even posesses king-like powers in Amadicia, where the Whitecloaks are based.
- Perrin Aybara, p. 7 (6)—A young man from Emond’s Field, and a good friend of Rand al’Thor and Mat Cauthon. While he was staying with Elyas Machera, he found that he has the ability to talk to wolves. Once this ability manifested itself, his eyes took on the yellowish color of wolves’ eyes. He is bigger than most people, a fact which greatly helped him as a blacksmith’s apprentice, but the fact that he often underestimates his strength has caused him to be very cautious. He carries a large battle ax at his belt. See also al’Thor, Rand; Cauthon, Matrim; Young Bull.
- Goodman Priket, p. 311 (274)—Man in a song Rand knows on the flute, “Goodman Priket’s Pipe.”
- Prince of the Morning, p. 678 (599)—Name for Lews Therin Telamon during the War of Power. See al’Thor, Rand; Dragon, The; Dragon Reborn; Telamon, Lews Therin.
- Promised One, p. 678 (599)—The Dragon Reborn. See also Dragon, The; Dragon Reborn.
- Pura,
p. 598 (525)—Name given
to Ryma Galfrey by her sul’dam.
Galfrey, Ryma.
- Ragan, p. 24 (22)—A Shienaran warrior, and guard of the gates in Fal Dara. See also Dagar, Masema.
- Rand al’Thor, p. 2—A young man, about twenty years of age, from the Two Rivers. He began his life as a shepherd on his father’s farm outside of Emond’s Field, and became good friends with Mat Cauthon, Perrin Aybara, and Egwene al’Vere. After leaving the Two Rivers with Moiraine and traveling to the Eye of the World, Rand discovers not only that he is able to channel the One Power, but that he is the Dragon Reborn, the man prophesied to save the world from the Dark One. See also al’Thor, Kari; al’Thor, Tamlin; al’Vere, Egwene; Aybara, Perrin; Cauthon, Matrim; Shadowkiller.
- Raolin Darksbane, p. 127 (112)—False Dragon who declared himself the Dragon Reborn between 335 and 336 years after the Breaking of the World. He was able to channel the One Power, and developed a large group of followers. See also Dragon Reborn.
- Raud, p. 447 (395)—Typographical error intended to read Rand, as in Rand al’Thor. See al’Thor, Rand.
- Red, p. 22 (20)—Rand’s stallion. He bought him from Master Gill in Caemlyn. His coat is roughly the same color as Rand’s own hair.
- Renna Emain, p. 566 (498)—The sul’dam who is charged to train and control Egwene when she becomes a damane. She later gives her the damane name “Tuli.” Renna is pretty, perhaps ten years older than Nynaeve, and has long dark hair and big brown eyes. See also al’Vere, Egwene; Tuli; Zarbey, Seta.
- Rhian, p. 508 (448)—One of the Aiel who tried to attack Ingtar, Rand, Perrin, Mat, and Hurin inside Stedding Tsofu. She has gray eyes.
- Rogosh Eagle Eye, p. 376 (331)—Hero of Legend, Rogosh of Talmour, involved in many gleemen’s tales and old stories. He is bound to the Horn of Valere.
- Ronan, p. 20 (18)—The shambayan of Fal Dara keep. He is described as being “an age-withered but still tall” man.
- Ryma Galfrey,
p. 598 (525)—Aes
Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, now captured and leashed by the Seanchan.
She is called “Pura” by her
sul’dam. Moiraine regrets not being able
to save her from Seanchan captivity.
She made sure Egwene knew her real name;
she fears she is losing herself, that she will eventually break under
her captivity.
See also
- Santhra, p. 327 (288)—Author of an old book on the Forsaken. The book is part of Adeleas and Vandene’s collection.
- Seaghan, p. 382 (337)—Man from Cairhien, the one who hires entertainers for The Bunch of Grapes, the inn where Thom Merrilin and his girlfriend Dena are staying. Thom refers to him as a “lack-wit.”
- Selene, p. 253 (223)—Woman Rand saves from a grolm in the alternate universe he reached accidentally by Portal Stone. She is described by Loial as “perfect human beauty in face and form.” She is very knowledgeable about the Age of Legends, to the extent that Rand is suspicious that the amount of information she knows may not be available even in the Royal Library in Cairhien. She also knows about the Oneness, what Rand calls the Void. She also knows exactly how to use the Portal Stones, even though she insists she does not. As with many characters, it is likely that Selene is hiding her true identity. See also Lanfear.
- Serafelle, p. 53 (48)—Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. She is one of the Aes Sedai outside the Amyrlin’s chambers when Moiraine is summoned. She told Verin that she believes there are more books waiting to be found than they ever believed existed.
- Seta Zarbey, p. 626 (550)—Name of the sul’dam that Nynaeve collars before rescuing Egwene. She has blond hair. See also Emain, Renna.
- Shadowkiller, p. 408 (359)—The name the wolves give to the man who killed the Trollocs they are chasing. This name is very appropriate, since the one who killed them was Rand al’Thor, the Dragon Reborn, who is prophesied to defeat the Dark One. See also al’Thor, Rand.
- Shai’tan, p. xxii (xix)—True name for the Dark One. Saying it draws the attention of the Dark One, bringing misfortune to any who would do so. For this reason, he is referred to by many names, including Father of Lies, Grassburner, Heartfang, Heartsbane, Leafblighter, Shepherd of the Night, Sightblinder, and—by Darkfriends—the Great Lord of the Dark. He is most commonly referred to as simply “the Dark One.” See also Ba’alzamon; Creator, The.
- Sharina Melloy, p. 350 (308)—Aes Sedai, apparently the advisor to the King and Queen of Malkier, al’Lan and el’Nynaeve Mandragoran, in the world of the testing ter’angreal.
- Shepherd of the Night, p. 689 (605)—Alternative name for the Dark One. See also Shai’tan.
- Sheriam Bayanar, p. 206 (182)—Mistress of Novices in the White Tower. She is an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. See also Mistress of Novices.
- Sightblinder, p. 168 (149)—Alternative name for Shai’tan, the Dark One, used especially by the Aiel. See Shai’tan.
- Siuan Sanche, p. 55 (50)—The Flame of Tar Valon, Watcher of the Seals, the Amyrlin Seat. She is from the Maule, Tear’s port district, and was born to a fisherman with the spark of saidar in her. She is of medium height, and is handsome rather than beautiful. She was the youngest Amyrlin ever chosen, being only thirty when she was given the position. Along with Moiraine, she dedicated her life as a member of the Blue Ajah to finding the Dragon Reborn. Only Siuan, Moiraine, and Verin know who that individual is, except for Rand, Mat, Perrin, Egwene, and Nynaeve. Siuan is one of the strongest Aes Sedai alive. She has a unique Talent—the ability to see ta’veren. See also Amyrlin Seat; Damodred, Moiraine; Sharif, Leane.
- Smoke, p. 228 (201)—One of the wolves.
- Suroth Sabelle Meldarath, p. 564 (496)—Seanchan dignitary who meets Liandrin to receive her “gift” of two marath’damane, Egwene al’Vere and Nynaeve al’Meara. She speaks of a “master” common to both herself and Liandrin—this is most likely Ishamael or some other high-ranking servant of the Dark One.
- Susa,
p. 484 (427)—Character who tamed Jain Farstrider in
one of Thom’s stories.
See also
Farstrider, Jain.
- Takima, p. 551 (484)—Sitter for the Brown Ajah. She teaches the history of the White Tower and of the Aes Sedai, and recognizes all of her students. Egwene, Nynaeve, Elayne, and Min duck out of the way to avoid being seen by her on their way out of the Tower to meet Liandrin.
- Tamlin (Tam) al’Thor, p. 4—Father of Rand. Tam served as a soldier in the Illianer Companions during one of the wars with Tear, and then as an officer in the army against the Aiel in the Aiel War. During his tenure as an officer, he attained Blademaster status and was awarded a heron-mark sword. During the Battle of the Shining Walls, he found an infant boy on the slopes of Dragonmount. His mother was dead, and Tam could not let the child freeze to death. He and his wife, a woman from Caemlyn named Kari, returned with the child (which they named Rand) to Emond’s Field. It is unknown whether Tam had any idea that the child he was raising was the Dragon Reborn. See also al’Thor, Kari; al’Thor, Rand.
- Tammuz, p. 398 (352)—An Illuminator, the person responsible for preparing the fireworks for the festival in Cairhien. See also Aludra.
- Taringail Damodred, p. 702 (617)—Tigraine’s husband, a prince of Cairhien, half-brother of King Laman. When Tigraine disappeared, he married Morgase Trakand, who had the best claim to the throne. He brought Cairhien into to the plotting surrounding the Succession. He had one child by Tigraine and two by Morgase: Galad, Gawyn, and Elayne. He did not really love either of his wives, his only goal being to see his son sit on the throne of Cairhien and his daughter sit on the throne of Andor. See also Damodred, Galadedrid; Damodred, Laman; Damodred, Moiraine; Mantear, Tigraine; Trakand, Elayne; Trakand, Gawyn; Trakand, Morgase.
- Tarlomen, p. 553 (486)—Historical figure after which Tarlomen’s Gate in Tar Valon is named.
- Tarwin, p. 152 (134)—Person for whom Tarwin’s Gap, the easternmost pass through the Mountains of Dhoom, is named.
- Tema, p. 21 (19)—Leathery-faced head groom (i.e., head stable hand) of Fal Dara keep. His gray hair seems to sit on his head like an inverted bowl. He is the first one to tell Rand of the orders to let no one leave the city.
- Tetsuan, p. 63 (56)—One of only two Amyrlins to be deposed in the history of the White Tower. She betrayed Manetheren for her jealousy of Ellisande’s powers. The fact that both she and Bonwhin (the only other Amyrlin to be stripped of the stole) were from the Red Ajah and both had been replaced by an Amyrlin raised from the Blue Ajah has caused a great deal of friction between the Red and Blue Ajahs. See also Amyrlin Seat; Ellisande; Meraighdin, Bonwhin.
- Teva, p. 375 (330)—Man who, according to Hurin, once got so angry at a hornet buzzing around his head that he kicked the nest.
- Teven Aerwin, p. 75 (67)—Author of The Dance of the Hawk and the Hummingbird, a book about the conduct of men toward women and women toward men. One of Amalisa’s servants is reading it when Liandrin enters her chambers shortly after the arrival of the Amyrlin Seat in Fal Dara.
- Thomdril (Thom) Merrilin, p. 17 (15)—Former court bard in the Royal Court of Andor, then a gleeman. He came to Emond’s Field on Winternight, and left with Rand, Mat, Perrin, Egwene, Lan, and Moiraine on their journey. He saved Rand’s life by facing a Myrddraal long enough for Rand to escape, and is presumed to be dead at the hands of that Myrddraal. However, Moiraine believes him to be alive, and one of his friends once remarked that he would believe Thom dead when he saw his corpse. See also Merrilin, Owyn; Trakand, Morgase.
- Mistress Tiedra, p. 448 (396)—Mistress of the Great Tree, an inn in Cairhien where Verin takes everyone after The Defender of the Dragonwall burns down. She is acquainted with Verin already, since she stays there whenever she is in Cairhien. She is plump and unctuous, similar in mayn ways to Cuale.
- Tigraine Mantear, p. 107 (95)—Daughter-Heir of Andor prior to the Third War of Andoran Succession, after which Morgase took the throne. In fact, it was her disappearance that sparked the war. She fled Caemlyn and was never seen again. She was the first wife of Taringail Damodred, and the mother of Galad. See also Damodred, Galadedrid; Damodred, Taringail; Daughter-Heir (of Andor); Moroso, Gitara; Trakand, Elayne.
- Timora, p. 111 (99)—One of Lady Amalisa’s attendants. She tells her servants to alert Liandrin of the whereabouts of Mat and Perrin.
- Tomas, p. 124 (109)—A Warder, bonded to Verin. See also Mathwin, Verin.
- Trayal, p. 514 (454)—One of the last Ogier to travel the Ways. His soul was consumed by Machin Shin, the Black Wind, and he now moves only if pushed and does not speak, hear, or otherwise notice the outside world. He was apparently a fine Treesinger before this happened. Interestingly enough, Verin was able to assess his condition despite the fact that she was in a stedding and unable to even sense the True Source, much less use it to probe for health.…
- Tuli, p. 601 (528)—Name given by Renna to Egwene when she finds out that Egwene has been channeling without permission. According to Renna, this name was originally held by her pet cat that she had as a child. It seems to fit, since she treats Egwene like a pet as well. See al’Vere, Egwene; Emain, Renna.
- Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag, p. 497 (438)—Second daughter of the Empress of Seanchan, and her chosen successor. See also Empress (of Seanchan), The.
- Turak Aladon, p. 429 (378)—Leader of Those Who Come Before (i.e., the Seanchan raiders). His head is shaved bald, and his fingernails are about an inch long, laquered blue. He wears a long, blue silk robe brocaded with birds that drags on the floor for a long distance behind him. He has a collection of cuendillar figurines, including (thanks to the addition he took from Bayle Domon’s ship) two seals on the Dark One’s prison. It is these seals that Moiraine finds broken after the battle at Falme. He is a blademaster.
- Two Deer,
p. 228 (201)—One of the wolves.
- Uno Nomesta, p. 25 (23)—A Shienaran officer, second in command to Ingtar. He is the one who gives orders to Masema. He is missing one eye, has a long scar across his face, and has a hairstyle like the typical Shienaran warrior—a topknot tied together and the rest of the head shaved clean. See also Dagar, Masema; Shinowa, Ingtar.
- Urien,
p. 409 (360)—Aiel of the Two Spires sept of the Reyn Aiel. He is a Red
Shield. He is found while Ingtar and his men are hunting for
the Horn of Valere. He is searching for
He Who Comes With the Dawn,
a man who will come from west of the Spine of the World but be of Aiel
blood. This man is most likely Rand al’Thor, since
Rand is often mistaken for an Aiel,
and was raised in the Two Rivers.
- Vandene Namelle, p. 321 (283)—Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, one of two Aes Sedai who went into voluntary retreat many years ago to Tifan’s Well, a village located in the grassy plains of Arafel. Their goal is some day to write the complete history of the world since the Breaking, and some even before that. Her hair is white. See also Namelle, Adeleas.
- Verin Mathwin,
p. 53 (48)—Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.
She is one of only three Aes Sedai
who knows that Rand al’Thor is the
Dragon Reborn, the other two being
Moiraine and the Amyrlin Seat.
Verin is old, even for an Aes Sedai, but the only indication
that she is as old as she is is the slight tinge of gray in her hair.
She is one of the Aes Sedai outside the Amyrlin’s chambers when
Moiraine is summoned.
See also
- Whatley (What) Eldin, p. 235 (207)—Person in Emond’s Field who paints the carts for Sunday. Rand describes the landscape in the alternate world reached by the Portal Stone as similar to how What decorated the carts.
- Winter Dawn, p. 228 (201)—One of the wolves.
- Child Wuan,
p. 415 (366)—Member of the Children of the Light and of the Hand of the Light,
the Questioners. He is one of the two people
spotted by the villagers who made the gibbet that
Geofram Bornhald is upset about. He is young,
is left-handed, and has a yellow beard.
- Yarin Maeldan, p. 159 (140)—Doman’s “broodling, stork-like second” on the Spray. He has a long nose. See also Domon, Bayle.
- Young Bull, p. 227 (200)—Name the wolves give to Perrin Aybara. They chose it for him, without his knowledge, after he killed two of the Children of the Light in a wild rage. See also Aybara, Perrin; Long Tooth.
- Yurian Stonebow,
p. 127 (112)—False Dragon who declared himself
circa 1300 AB and was captured and gentled circa 1308 AB.
He also had great potential with the One Power.
See also
Dragon Reborn.
- Zaired Elbar, p. 568 (500)—Assistant to Suroth. It is he who sounds the bugle to return the party sent out to capture and leash Nynaeve. See also Meldarath, Suroth Sabelle.
- Zera, p. 382 (386)—Innkeeper of The Bunch of Grapes, the inn in Cairhien at which Thom Merrilin is staying with Dena.
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