Chronological listing of characters encountered in New Spring
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Prologue to The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. |
Chronological listing Alphabetical listing by last name Alphabetical listing by first name Back to Wheel of Time characters. |
Chapter 1: The Hook

- al’Lan Mandragoran, p. 11—Uncrowned king of Malkier, a nation now swallowed by the Great Blight, and the son of al’Akir and el’Leanna, the last king and queen of Malkier. He is very tall, with long hair that he wears back with the hadori, a braided leather strap traditionally worn by Malkieri men. At his birth, shortly before the Trollocs overran Malkier and the Blight consumed his homeland, Lan was given four gifts (while still in his cradle): a gold signet ring, a locket, a sword, and an oath. Lan and his surviving Malkieri companions are the last of their people. He prefers to avoid Aes Sedai when possible. Lan has experience fighting the Aiel on the Shienaran Marches, long before the Aiel War even began. He is quite practiced in the ko’di, the Oneness, a concentration aid he uses to clear his mind for battle and other crucial situations. See also Damodred, Moiraine; Mandragoran, Akir; ti Mandragoran, Leanna.
- Dark One, p. 12—Name, used in every land, for Shai’tan, because using his real name causes bad luck (at best) to anyone who speaks it. See Shai’tan.
- Basram, p. 12—Short, stocky, coppery-skinned Domani soldier. Lan finds him asleep at his post during his rounds.
- Jaim, p. 13—Gray-bearded soldier. Lan found him asleep at his post, still standing up, eyes open. He denied being asleep, but Lan knew—other seasoned veterans knew the trick of sleeping with their eyes open, too.
- Bukama Marenellin, p. 14—Lan’s teacher, one of the original 20 men charged with the task of carrying the infant prince of Malkier to safety when the nation was overrun; he is the only one still alive. Bluff and broad, he is taller than most men, almost as tall as Lan. His hair is solid gray, which he wears cut to the shoulder according to Malkieri tradition, held back by the hadori, a thin braided leather cord. He has blue eyes.
- Shai’tan, p. 15—Source of all evil, complete antithesis of the Creator in every way. He was imprisoned by the Creator at the moment of Creation in a prison just outside the Pattern. This prison was bored into during the Age of Legends; the Dark One’s touch on the world produced new waves of hate, crime, and violence that had never been seen before. An attempt to free the Dark One completely resulted in the War of the Shadow, a war which ended only with the sealing of the Bore by Lews Therin Telamon and the Hundred Companions. During the moment of sealing, the Dark One’s counterstroke tainted saidin itself, beginning the Time of Madness. The seals on the prison were made of cuendillar, an indestructible substance, but nonetheless are beginning to weaken. The Dark One may touch the world again soon. Speaking his true name draws his attention and causes bad luck, so he is known by a plethora of euphemisms, most commonly as simply, “The Dark One.” Some, including Bukama, believe that merely thinking his true name is enough. See also Creator, The.
- The Creator, p. 15—Maker of the world, the True Source, everything in existance. At the moment of Creation, the Creator sealed the Dark One in a prison at Shayol Ghul to keep him from influencing the world. See also Dragon, The; Dragon Reborn; Shai’tan.
- Artur Hawkwing, p. 15—Legendary emperor who lived about a thousand years ago. He conquered most of the known world, and the present-day nations were carved from his empire.
- Rakim, p. 17—Grizzled old Saldaean soldier. He has a hoarse voice and a ragged scar from an Aiel arrow to his throat. He likes to show off the scar when he is drinking. He considers himself lucky to be alive, and he is, but because of that he takes somewhat unnecessary chances and boasts about his luck.
- Lord Emares, p. 17—General in the forces against the Aiel from Tear. He discovered a group of Aiel that followed to the east. He sent a message to Lan to the effect that he intended to serve as the hammer that crushed the Aiel into Lan’s troops, who would serve as the anvil.
- Sun Lance, p. 19—Bukama’s yellow roan gelding. See Marenellin, Bukama.
- Caniedrin, p. 19—Beardless young man among Lan’s troops. The young Kandori is an efficient, experienced soldier, and an archer of rare skill. An almost cheerful killer, he often laughs while he fights.
- Cat Dancer, p. 19—Lan’s bay stallion. He is still being trained as a warhorse. See also Mandragoran, Lan.
- Aan’allein, p. 24—Name the Aiel use for Lan. It means, roughly, “One Man Alone” or “Man Who is an Entire People” in the Old Tongue. See also Mandragoran, Lan.
Chapter 2: A Wish Fulfilled

- Amyrlin Seat, p. 26—Leader of the Aes Sedai, their equivalent of a king or queen. Her authority is immense—rulers of all nations will obey a summons to the Amyrlin, even if they will spend the entire journey devising a plan to kill her while there. The Amyrlin, once raised, is considered to be “of all Ajahs and none”—she wears a stole striped with the seven colors of the Ajahs. The current Amyrlin is Tamra Ospenya, raised from the Blue Ajah. See also Ospenya, Tamra; Vayu, Sierin.
- Moiraine Damodred, p. 26—One of the Accepted. She grew up in the Sun Palace in Cairhien, a niece of Laman, King of Cairhien, and half-sister of Taringail Damodred, the husband of the Queen of Andor. Upon entering the White Tower, she quickly formed a friendship with Siuan Sanche, daughter of a Tairen fisherman. The two have been progressing at nearly identical paces ever since. Moiraine is very short—short even for a Cairhienin woman—and has very pale skin. She has been known to flash her temper on occasion. Both of her parents are dead; her mother died when she was very young. Like her friend Siuan, she was born with the spark of saidar in her. She will some day become one of the strongest Aes Sedai in the Tower. Moiraine has great respect and admiration for Tamra Ospenya. See also Cormanes; Damodred, Aldecain; Damodred, Anvaere; Damodred, Carewin; Damodred, Innloine; Damodred, Laman; Damodred, Moressin; Damodred, Taringail; Mandragoran, Lan; Sanche, Siuan.
- Siuan Sanche, p. 26—One of the Accepted. She grew up on a fishing boat in Tear, and was sent on the first boat bound for Tar Valon the day it was discovered she had the spark of saidar inborn, in accordance with Tairen law. Her parents are now dead, her mother dying when she was very young. Upon arriving at the Tower, she very quickly became friends with Moiraine Damodred, and despite the large gap between their incomes and lifestyles as children, they found they had a remarkable amount in common. The two moved at nearly the same rate through their work with the Power, but Siuan seems to learn things like history, language, and politics at a much faster rate. In fact, she arrived at the Tower barely able to read, and now she teaches introductory classes in the Old Tongue. She has very fair skin, clear blue eyes, and is only a hand taller than Moiraine. She has a talent for puzzles. Like Moiraine, she will some day become one of the strongest Aes Sedai in the Tower. See also Damodred, Moiraine.
- Azil Mareed, p. 27—High Captain of the Tower Guard. His reports are available only to Aes Sedai.
- Tamra Ospenya, p. 28—Watcher of the Seals, the Flame of Tar Valon, the Amyrlin Seat. She was raised from the Blue Ajah. She is always fair and just, which are not necessarily the same thing. It is said that her stare can make stones move. Her Keeper of the Chronicles is Gitara Moroso, also raised from the Blue Ajah. See also Amyrlin Seat; Moroso, Gitara; Vayu, Sierin.
- Gitara Moroso, p. 28—Keeper of the Chronicles under Tamra Ospenya. She is always just, usually fair, but rarely kind. She is tall and almost voluptuous. Raised from the Blue Ajah, she still considers herself a Blue. Her hair is pure white, and she wears ivory combs in it. Rumor has it that she is over 300 years old. When she has the Foretelling, it is always strong, and she is rumored to have them frequently. See also Keeper of the Chronicles; Ospenya, Tamra.
- Keeper of the Chronicles, p. 28—Secretary of sorts for the Amyrlin Seat. By tradition, the Keeper is chosen from the same Ajah as the Amyrlin was raised from. However, the Keeper represents the Amyrlin, not the Ajah she is part of. The current Keeper is Gitara Moroso, raised from the Blue Ajah. See also Basaheen, Duhara; Moroso, Gitara; Najaf, Aeldra.
- Mistress of Novices, p. 29—Aes Sedai in charge of novice training in the White Tower. She serves as both a disciplinarian and a shoulder to cry on for girls who need either. The current Mistress of Novices is Merean Redhill of the Blue Ajah. See also Amira; Redhill, Merean.
- Temaile Kinderode, p. 29—One of the Accepted. She and Brendas were assigned to the Amyrlin Seat’s chamber before Moiraine and Siuan took over.
- Brendas, p. 29—One of the Accepted. She and Temaile were assigned to the Amyrlin Seat’s chamber before Moiraine and Siuan took over. She is usually quite sensible.
- Elaida do Avriny a’Roihan, p. 32—Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. She was the only woman besides Siuan and Moiraine to finish novice training in less than three years. She finished Accepted training in less three years as well, also a record. Moiraine describes her as a “detestable woman.” She currently serves as advisor to the Queen of Andor, a post she has held for three years.
- Elin Warrel, p. 33—Novice on guard duty outside the Amyrlin’s study. She is very slender. Moiraine caught her reading Hearts of Flame, a romance novel of sorts. The book is considered inappropriate for novices. She is three years older than Moiraine.
- Merean Redhill, p. 34—Plump, motherly Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah and Mistress of Novices under Tamra Ospenya. She has a plump chin and more gray in her hair than not. She is fairly tall—Moiraine’s head comes up to her chin. She is very strong in the One Power, and has a way of discovering that which people wish to keep hidden. She had been Aes Sedai for over 100 years by the time Moiraine’s great-grandmother was born. She has no Warder. See Mistress of Novices.
- The Dragon, p. 36—Name by which Lews Therin Telamon was known during the War of the Shadow. His Rebirth will signal Tarmon Gaidon, the Last Battle against the Shadow. This Rebirth was Foretold by Gitara Moroso, just before the moment of her death. See also Dragon Reborn.
Chapter 3: Practice

- Meilyn Arganya, p. 40—Aes Sedai of the White Ajah who gives private classes to Moiraine, though Moiraine fears she will miss those classes if the sisters do not return from the battle soon. She has silver-gray hair and a thrusting chin. She is one of the most respected women in the Tower; it is said that no one has a bad word for her. She has a smooth, emotionless face and startling blue eyes. She is one of the only Whites to have a Warder. She has worn the shawl for over three hundred years, and is the strongest Aes Sedai alive, except for Cadsuane. See also Andro.
- Larelle Tarsi, p. 40—Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah with long hair and coppery skin. She instructed Moiraine as a novice; she always had a way of asking the last question you wanted to hear. She is quite strong in the One Power, as strong as Merean, and has no Warder.
- Dragon Reborn, p. 43—According to the Karaethon Cycle, the Prophecies of the Dragon, the man who is the Rebirth of Lews Therin Telamon, the Dragon. It is said he will be Reborn at mankind’s greatest hour of need to save the world. His Rebirth was Foretold by Gitara Moroso just before her death; in fact, the shock of the Foretelling was what killed her. See also Dragon, The.
- Akarrin, p. 45—Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. She is very slender, and has quick eyes to catch anyone who is not following her lead.
- Myrelle Berengari, p. 50—Accepted from Altara. She earned the great serpent ring the same year Moiraine and Siuan earned theirs. Olive-skinned and beautiful, she is almost as tall as Siuan. She is gregarious and mercurial, with a boisterous sense of humor and a worse temper than Moiraine. Moiraine and Myrelle began novice training with heated words, but they eventually became close friends.
- Tarna Feir, p. 53—Accepted from northern Altara. She is taller than Siuan. She has pale yellow hair and cold blue eyes. Tarna is very arrogant, and lacks a sense of humor entirely. She spent nine years as a novice, and gained the great serpent ring one year before Siuan and Moiraine did. She had few friends as a novice, and has even fewer as an Accepted.
- Aledrin, p. 56—One of the Accepted. Moiraine heard her speculating that all Accepted were to test for the shawl immediately at the assembly in the Oval Lecture Hall where Tamra announced her plan to pay bounty. She is very excitable.
- Zemaille, p. 56—One of the Accepted. She is slim, and very dark, with straight black hair to her waist and various black tattoos on her hands. Moiraine thinks it is likely she will choose the Brown or perhaps the White Ajah when raised. She is one of the Sea Folk; there are only four Sea Folk sisters among the Aes Sedai, and all are Browns. Two of them are very old, as old as Gitara Moroso was before she died. She spent ten years as a novice, and eight so far as Accepted.
- Aisling Noon, p. 57—One of the Accepted. She is very tall. She is a rarity in the Tower, one of the Tuatha’an, the Traveling People. She spent five years as a novice, and was raised to Accepted the same year as Moiraine and Siuan.
- Verin Mathwin, p. 57—Stout Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. She is even shorter than Moiraine, plump, and dreamy-eyed.
- Alanna Mosvani, p. 59—One of the Accepted. She is shy, but she works hard at being fierce. She wants to be a Green and have a dozen Warders. She is always exaggerating. At the meeting at which Tamra announced her plan for the bounty, she asked if the Accepted would be allowed to defend themselves with the One Power. The answer was no.
Chapter 4: Leaving the Tower

- Meidani, p. 62—One of the Accepted. She and Brendas appear to be friends.
- Katerine Alruddin, p. 62—One of the Accepted. She has a sharp face, black wavy hair, and an acid tongue at times.
- Carlinya, p. 63—One of the Accepted.
- Pritalle Nerbaijan, p. 63—One of the Accepted. She has green eyes and an unusually small nose, at least for a Saldaean.
- Edesina Azzedin, p. 63—One of the Accepted.
- Desandre, p. 63—One of the Accepted.
- Coladara, p. 63—One of the Accepted.
- Atuan Larisett, p. 63—One of the Accepted.
- Arrow, p. 64—Moiraine’s horse. She purchased her to celebrate being raised to Accepted. She is not tall, though she has more stamina than larger horses. She is fast, too, and a good jumper.
- Steler, p. 65—Leader of the escort for Moiraine and Siuan. He has a deep, gravelly voice.
- Sarene Nemdahl, p. 75—Accepted from Tarabon. She is the most beautiful woman in the Accepted’s quarters, with the possible exception of Ellid, though she seems blissfully unaware of this. She has very little tact for a shopkeeper’s daughter, and a sharp tongue. She is often unaware when she says something wrong. She and Moiraine are friends.
- Ellid Abareim, p. 75—One of the Accepted. She is one of the two prettiest girls in the Accepted’s quarters, and she is very aware of that fact. She always smiles when looking in a mirror, and always seems to be near to a mirror when she smiles. Waves of golden hair frame her nearly perfect face, her eyes look like large sapphires, and her skin is a rich creamy color. The only fault in her appearance, according to Moiraine, is an over-abundance of bosom. She is very tall, as tall as most men. She is fond of telling everyone that she wants to be a Green and have six Warders. She has spiky handwriting.
Chapter 5: The Human Heart

- Meri do Ahlan a’Conlin, p. 79—Murandian noble, allegedly a direct descendent of Katrine a’Coralle, the first Queen of Murandy. She was the first woman at Moiraine’s table for registry for the bounty. She is plump, and has a one-week-old son, Sedrin. See also a’Conlin, Sedrin.
- Katrine do Catalan a’Coralle, p. 79—First Queen of Murandy. She is allegedly a direct ancestor of Meri a’Conlin. See also a’Conlin, Meri do Ahlan.
- Sedrin a’Conlin, p. 80—Meri’s week-old son. See a’Conlin, Meri do Ahlan.
- Careme Mowly, p. 80—Young mother from Murandy. Her daughter is Sedrin’s age, to the day. Her future husband ran off to become a Warder, and she does not like the man she actually did marry nearly as much. She wants very little to do with the White Tower. See also Mowly, Ellya.
- Ellya Mowly, p. 80—Infant daughter of Careme. She is the same age as Sedrin, to the day. See also Mowly, Careme.
- Susa Wynn, p. 82—Mother of Cyril, an infant that Moiraine adds to her registry. She is near to gaunt, with deep shadows under her eyes and a lost, desperate look. See also Wynn, Cyril; Wynn, Jac.
- Cyril Wynn, p. 82—Susa’s son. He is too old to receive the bounty the White Tower is paying for newborns in honor of the battle, but Moiraine added him to the list anyway—she reasoned that the Tower could provide 100 crowns to help the misfortunate. See also Wynn, Susa.
- Jac Wynn, p. 82—Late husband of Susa Wynn. He died before the fighting began, slipping in the snow and cracking his head on a stone. See also Wynn, Cyril; Wynn, Susa.
- Danil, p. 83—Baby boy registered by Moiraine. His mother tried to play Moiraine for a fool, coaxing money from her for a healer. Moiraine quickly disabused her of that notion, and at the same time got rid of any other potential rookery by the women in the line.
- Andro, p. 89—Meilyn’s Warder. He is lean, and no taller than his mistress. He appears youthful until one notices his eyes. See also Arganya, Meilyn.
- Malvin, p. 92—Sour-faced under-lieutenant in the Tower Guard.
- Laman Damodred, p. 94—King of Cairhien, and Moiraine’s uncle. He was killed in the battle of the Shining Walls along with his brothers Moressin and Aldecain. He was a distant man who burned with ambition. Moiraine believes he never married because even becoming queen of Cairhien was not sufficient enticement to marry him. See also Damodred, Aldecain; Damodred, Moiraine; Damodred, Moressin; Damodred, Taringail.
- Moressin Damodred, p. 95—One of Moiraine’s uncles, and one of Laman’s brothers. Moiraine thinks he and his brother Aldecain are even worse than Laman, each having heat enough for ten men, which they expressed in anger and cruelty, as well as contempt for Moiraine’s father. See also Damodred, Laman; Damodred, Moiraine; Damodred, Taringail.
- Aldecain Damodred, p. 95—One of Moiraine’s uncles, and one of Laman’s brothers. Moiraine thinks he and his brother Moressin are even worse than Laman, each having heat enough for ten men, which they expressed in anger and cruelty, as well as contempt for Moiraine’s father. See also Damodred, Laman; Damodred, Moiraine; Damodred, Moressin; Damodred, Taringail.
Chapter 6: Surprises

- Setsuko, p. 98—Stocky, pale-eyed novice, shorter than Moiraine. She grew up in Arafel. She is too weak to ever become one of the Accepted.
- Sheriam Bayanar, p. 99—Flame-haired Accepted with a room near Siuan’s. She is slim, with tilted green eyes. She grew up in Saldaea. She is a very good cook, and likes baking. One of the biggest gossips among the Accepted, it is wise to keep a careful tongue around her. Despite this, Moiraine considers her a close friend and confidant. She sleeps like the dead.
- Lisandre, p. 99—Very tall, golden-haired novice. She will be able to test for Accepted if she loses her sulky attitude. She probably will, too—the Tower has ways of getting rid of things it does not want.
- Serafelle, p. 99—Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. She told Sheriam that the Aiel were retreating.
- Ryma Galfrey, p. 99—Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. She told Sheriam that the Aiel were retreating.
- Jennet, p. 99—Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. She told Sheriam that the Aiel were retreating.
- Laras, p. 104—Tower cook. She is plump, short of her middle years, and more than pretty, though she can frown a hole through a stone.
- Salia Pomfrey, p. 104—Woman who gave birth to a boy and then returned, or tried to return, to her village in Andor after her husband died on the second day of the Aiel War.
- Martan, p. 106—Young clerk in the Tower. He and Mistress Wellin were assigned to the task of copying the Accepted’s handwriting in the registry, until they found Moiraine and Siuan already upon the task.
- Mistress Wellin, p. 107—Clerk in the Tower. She and Martan were assigned to the task of copying the Accepted’s handwriting in the registry, until they found Moiraine and Siuan already upon the task.
- Willa Mandair, p. 108—Woman who gave birth to a son to the west of the Erinin on the day Gitara died, “in sight of Dragonmount.” See also Mandair, Bili.
- Bili Mandair, p. 108—Willa’s infant son. He was born “in sight of Dragonmount,” which is ridiculous; the mountain is visible for miles and miles in every direction from Tar Valon. See also Mandair, Willa.
- Lord Ellisar, p. 108—Lord in whose encampment many of the infants that Ellid took down the names of for the bounty.
- Jarna Malari, p. 109—Sitter for the Gray Ajah. She has slashes of white at her temples, a commanding presence, liquid brown eyes, and long black hair. Moiraine’s head comes only to her shoulders. She hinted, very subtly, that Moiraine herself should claim the Sun Throne.
- Taringail Damodred, p. 110—Cairhienin-born husband of the Queen of Andor. He is Moiraine’s half-brother. He is denied the Sun Throne of Cairhien due to his marriage to the Queen of Andor, leaving very few choices for the Sun Throne in succession. See also Damodred, Aldecain; Damodred, Laman; Damodred, Moiraine; Damodred, Moressin.
- Anvaere Damodred, p. 110—Moiraine’s older sister. She cares for horses, hawking, and little else. She also has a temper—no one wants her on the Sun Throne. See also Damodred, Innloine; Damodred, Moiraine.
- Innloine Damodred, p. 110—Moiraine’s older sister. She is a warm and loving mother, though very stubborn and not very bright. Stubborn and not bright are poor qualities in a ruler anyway, but playing with her children causes her to forget about state business entirely. Moiraine knows that no one plans to put her on the Sun Throne. See also Damodred, Anvaere; Damodred, Moiraine.
- Tsutama Rath, p. 111—Sitter for the Red Ajah. She is beautiful, but with hard eyes. She asked Moiraine, directly, if she had ever considered taking the Sun Throne herself.
Chapter 7: The Itch

- Kerene Nagashi, p. 114—Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She had two sisters and two brothers, both of which have long since passed away. She has at least two Warders, including Karile and Stepin. Very tall and skinny, her hair is cut shorter than her Warders’ hair, above her shoulders. She does needlework when not traveling, though she rarely remains in the Tower long before leaving again. She is the strongest Aes Sedai alive except for Meilyn and Cadsuane; no one has come to the Tower in over six hundred years who could match her potential. See also Karile; Stepin.
- Rina Hafden, p. 115—Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She somehow makes a square face lovely, and a stocky build elegant and graceful. See also Machera, Elyas; Waylin.
- Waylin, p. 115—One of Rina’s Warders. See also Hafden, Rina.
- Elyas Machera, p. 115—One of Rina’s Warders. See also Hafden, Rina.
- Jala Bandevin, p. 115—Gray-haired Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She is an imposing woman despite being nearly a hand shorter than Moiraine.
- Karile, p. 116—One of Kerene’s Warders. His hair and beard form a golden mane. See also Nagashi, Kerene.
- Stepin, p. 116—One of Kerene’s Warders. He looks more like a clerk than a Warder. He has narrow shoulders and sad brown eyes. See also Nagashi, Kerene.
- Aisha Raveneos, p. 118—Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. Siuan gave her a similar message to the one Moiraine gave Karene. She has a plain face, and could pass for a farmer’s wife.
- Valera Gorovni, p. 119—Small, plump Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. She is always found wearing a smile, and always seems to be bustling even when she is still. She has worn the shawl for over three hundred years.
- Ludice Daneen, p. 119—Bony Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah with a long, grim face. She has worn the shawl for over three hundred years.
- Aeldra Najaf, p. 119—Keeper of the Chronicles under Tamra Ospenya, appointed to replace Gitara Moroso after her death. She has white, straight hair cut short like Kerene’s. She is slim, and has copper-colored leathery skin, a narrow jaw, and a sharp nose.
Chapter 8: Shreds of Serenity

- Willim of Manaches, p. 122—Writer of ancient times. His work influenced Shivena Kayenzi. See also Kayenzi, Shivena.
- Shivena Kayenzi, p. 122—Philosopher from Saldaea. She was influenced by the work of Willim of Manaches. Meilyn quizzes Moiraine as to just how much.
- Adelorna Bastine, p. 124—Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah.
- Shemaen, p. 124—Aes Sedai of unknown Ajah.
Chapter 9: It Begins

- Anaiya, p. 136—Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Her plain features make her look more like a farmer than a sister. She was present at Moiraine’s test for the shawl. She has a comforting air; almost any conversation with her turns out comforting.
Chapter 10: It Finishes

- Yuan, p. 149—Slim Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah from Arafel. She has grey eyes. She was present at Moiraine’s test for the shawl, and disapproved of Elaida’s contributions to it.
Chapter 11: Just Before Dawn

- Jeaine Caide, p. 154—Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. Slim and coppery-skinned, she grew up in Arad Doman.
- Leane Sharif, p. 158—Willowy, copper-skinned Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah from Arad Doman. She is as tall as most men, and fairly young—too young to have achieved the ageless look. One of Moiraine’s friends as an Accepted, she quickly became her friend again after giving her her shawl and welcoming her to the Blue Ajah.
- Rafela Cindal, p. 158—Slim, dark, pretty Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She is young, too young to have the ageless face yet. She is the sister who gives Siuan her shawl.
- Eadyth, p. 158—Sitter for the Blue Ajah. She has white hair to her waist, and a stout, round face. She is also First Selector of the Blue Ajah, the Ajah head, though this fact is known only to Blues. She is perhaps the most capable Blue in the last hundred years, according to Kairen.
- Anlee, p. 158—Grave-faced, graying Sitter for the Blue Ajah. She wears lots of jewelry.
- Lelaine Akashi, p. 158—Sitter for the Blue Ajah. She becomes a great beauty when she smiles.
Chapter 12: Entering Home

- Kairen Stang, p. 162—Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She is beautiful, and not overly tall.
- Cabriana Mecandes, p. 163—Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She has pale eyes and light golden hair to her waist. She is very weak in the Power.
- Natasia, p. 166—Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She is a slim woman from Saldaea with dark tilted eyes and high cheekbones. She is a very lenient teacher.
- Cetalia Delarme, p. 168—Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She is as strong as Moiraine and Siuan will be when they reach full potential. She is tall and square-faced, with steel-gray hair in a multitude of braids to her waist. She is the head of the Blue Ajah eyes-and-ears, the best spy network in the world.
- Carewin Damodred, p. 173—Moiraine’s great-grandmother. She ruled Cairhien for over fifty years. The White Tower would call her a very successful ruler because Cairhien prospered and had few wars during her reign. However, her name is still used to frighten children in Cairhien. See also Damodred, Laman; Damodred, Moiraine.
- Pedron Niall, p. 174—Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light. Only a handful of living men know war better than he. He commanded the army against the Aiel for one day of fighting.
Chapter 13: Business in the City

- Ilain Dormaile, p. 179—Slim, graying, small woman, a full hand shorter than Moiraine. Moiraine’s father banked with her older brother, who still handles Moiraine’s accounts in Cairhien, making Ilain an obvious choice for her banker in Tar Valon. She is very secretive on her customers’ behalf.
- Ries Gorthanes, p. 179—Tall, educated man from Cairhienin. Broad-shouldered, he was brought up as a soldier. He has a clean-shaven, well-proportioned face. He is good-looking despite an inch-long scar near his left eye. He came to Mistress Dormaile to get access to Moiraine’s finances. He was denied that access, and his nosiness was promptly reported to Moiraine herself.
- Tamore Alkohima, p. 182—The best seamstress in Tar Valon, according to at least five Blue sisters. She is fair-skinned for a Domani.
Chapter 14: Changes

- Adine Canford, p. 192—Plump, blue-eyed Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah with short-cut black hair. She displays no hint of arrogance despite being raised in Andor. She is not very strong in the One Power. As Accepted, she was friends with Moiraine and Siuan, and now that they have been raised and have joined the Blue Ajah, that friendship has been renewed, thanks especially to their mutual friend, Leane.
- Sierin Vayu, p. 196—Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah, raised to the Amyrlin Seat after the death of Tamra Ospenya, who allegedly died in her sleep. Traditionally, a newly raised Amyrlin grants indulgences and relief from penances on the day she is raised; Sierin granted none, and dismissed all male clerks in the Tower within a week, for various vague reasons. Three sisters were exiled from Tar Valon for a year, and two were stripped, stretched on the triangle, and birched in the Traitor’s Court. She is quite plump, and has a round face that seems constructed for jolliness, but she wears grimness as though it were carved there. She is slightly taller than Moiraine, and has hard eyes. She is merciless. See also Amira; Amyrlin Seat; Basaheen, Duhara.
- Amira, p. 197—Stocky Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah with long beaded braids. She is the new Mistress of Novices under Sierin Vayu. It is tradition to appoint a Mistress of Novices from the Ajah one was raised from, but Sierin was raised from the Gray while Amira was from the Red. However, most think of Sierin as more Red than Gray anyway.
- Duhara Basaheen, p. 197—Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah from Arad Doman. Slim and beautiful despite being a hand and a half taller than Moiraine. Her full lips have a meanness about them, and her eyes search for fault. She is much weaker than Moiraine in the One Power, but now that she has been appointed Keeper of the Chronicles under Sierin Vayu, that matters little. It is tradition to appoint a Keeper from the Ajah one was raised from, but Sierin was raised from the Gray while Duhara was from the Red. However, most think of Sierin as more Red than Gray anyway. See also Keeper of the Chronicles; Vayu, Sierin.
- Moraine, p. 197—Misspelling of Moiraine. See Damodred, Moiraine.
- Carney, p. 201—Captain of Bluewing, the ship Moiraine hires to take her out of Tar Valon. He is a wide, sun-darkened man with narrow mustaches he keeps waxed to spikes.
Chapter 15: Into Canluum

- Varan Marcasiev, p. 205—Proud man, the High Seat of House Marcasiev. His sigil is an antlered crest and a Red Stag.
- Ethenielle Kirukan Materasu, p. 205—Queen of Kandor. Her capital is in Chachin. See also Materasu, Brys.
- Alin Seroku, p. 207—Bluff, graying Saldaean officer with white scars on his face. He soldiered for 40 years along the Blight.
- el’Leanna ti Mandragoran, p. 207—The last queen of Malkier, wife to Akir and mother to Lan. She died when Malkier was overrun, shortly after Lan’s birth. See also Mandragoran, Akir; Mandragoran, Lan.
- al’Akir Mandragoran, p. 207—The last king of Malkier, Lan’s father. He died about 24 years ago when Malkier was overrun, shortly after Lan’s birth. See also Mandragoran, Lan; ti Mandragoran, Leanna.
- Nazar Kurenin, p. 209—Jut-nozed man from Canluum. His hair is cut short, and he has a forked beard. A native of Malkier, he still has the marks from his hadori.
Chapter 16: The Deeps

- Racelle Arovni, p. 212—Graying innkeeper of the Blue Rose, an inn in Canluum. Tall and handsome with dark eyes, she and Bukama had a relationship in the past.
- Ryne Venamar, p. 212—Lan’s oldest friend, save Bukama. He is five years Lan’s elder, and also from Malkier, though he no longer keeps its traditions. He keeps his hair in two long bell-laced braids, and keeps the Arafellin fashion.
- Lira, p. 213—Serving maid in the Blue Rose, an inn in Canluum. She has dark eyes, full lips, and dimples. She promises to “honor” Lan until his “knees won’t hold [him] up.”
- Edeyn ti Gemallen Arrel, p. 214—Woman who raised the Golden Crane in Lan’s name. She is Lan’s carneira (“first,” in the Old Tongue), his first lover. She is about fifteen years older than Lan. See also Gemallen, Iselle.
- Ceiline Noreman, p. 221—Woman from Shol Arbela who may blame Ryne for her husband’s death. Ryne is unwilling to return to Shol Arbela until he is confident she will not blame him.
Chapter 17: An Arrival

- Jurine Najima, p. 222—Woman from Canluum with pale, too-large eyes. She is the mother of Colar, Eselle, and Jerid, and the widow of Josef. She is not tall, but is still about a hand taller than Moiraine. See also Najima, Colar; Najima, Eselle; Najima, Josef.
- Colar Najima, p. 222—Thirteen- or fourteen-year-old daughter of Jurine. She and her sister Eselle have their mother’s long black hair and large blue eyes full of loss. See also Najima, Eselle; Najima, Jerid; Najima, Josef; Najima, Jurine.
- Eselle Najima, p. 222—Thirteen- or fourteen-year-old daughter of Jurine. She and her sister Colar have their mother’s long black hair and large blue eyes full of loss. See also Najima, Colar; Najima, Jerid; Najima, Josef; Najima, Jurine.
- Josef Najima, p. 222—Late husband of Jurine and father of Colar, Eselle, and Jerid. He was described as lucky. He and Jerid were killed in a barn fire. See also Najima, Colar; Najima, Eselle; Najima, Jerid; Najima, Jurine.
- Jerid Najima, p. 222—Son of Josef and Jurine. He went to find his father while he was working, and the barn caught fire and engulfed them all. See also Najima, Colar; Najima, Eselle; Najima, Josef; Najima, Jurine.
- Alys, p. 223—Moiraine’s alias while traveling, in order to conceal her identity. See Damodred, Moiraine.
- Lady Kareil, p. 224—Noble who called on Josef Najima to fight the Aiel.
- Helvin, p. 226—Innkeeper of The Gates of Heaven, an inn in Canluum. He is bald, and nearly as wide as he is tall.
- Felaana Bevaine, p. 226—Slim, yellow-haired Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. She was the only Aes Sedai in the common room of The Gates of Heaven to wear her shawl. She was the first to corner Moiraine when she arrived there. She did not know Moiraine, however, much less that she was a sister, and assumed she was a wilder.
- Mistress Asher, p. 226—Gray-haired wilder staying in The Gates of Heaven, an inn in Canluum. A merchant, she wears only a red-enameled pin for jewelry.
- Cadsuane Melaidhrin, p. 228—Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She has iron-gray hair and black eyes, and always wears ornaments in her hair. She is the only woman who Moiraine knows that is considerably stronger than Moiraine herself is in the Power. She was presumed dead until she appeared during the Aiel War. It is said she bent Tower law whenever it suited her, flouted custom, and always did her own thing, often dragging others with her. It is whispered that she even assaulted an Amyrlin once. Moiraine knows this cannot be true—she would have been executed—but she also admits that where her friend Siuan was born to lead, Cadsuane was born to command. She is the strongest Aes Sedai in the Tower for the past 1000 years.
- Ines Demain, p. 231—Woman on Moiraine’s list of new mothers. She is from Chachin, in Kandor. See also Demain, Rahien.
- Avene Sahera, p. 231—Woman on Moiraine’s list of new mothers. She is from a “village on the high road between Chachin and Canluum,” according to what one of the Accepted wrote down; this village turned out to be Ravinda. She is plump, and has graying hair. See also Sahera, Migel.
Chapter 18: A Narrow Passage

- Chesmal Emry, p. 238—Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, a very talented Healer. She announced that Meilyn had died in her bed; this was not possible, since Siuan hid under the same bed, fell asleep there, and woke up the next morning to find that the bed had not been slept in.
- Haesel Palan, p. 242—Tiny merchant from Murandy with the lilt of Lugard in her voice. She is plump, with graying hair.
Chapter 19: Pond Water

- Kazin, p. 245—Skinny, hook-nozed groom in The Gates of Heaven, in Canluum. He has the tilted eyes of Saldaea.
Chapter 20: Breakfast in Manala

- Mistress Tomichi, p. 259—Stout, graying innkeeper of The Plowman’s Blade, an inn in Manala. She has a round face.
- Mistress Marishna, p. 261—Woman from Manala whom Moiraine asks about the location of Avene Sahera.
Chapter 21: Some Tricks of the Power

- Coy, p. 266—Leader of the bandits that try to mug Moiraine, Lan, Ryne, and Bukama.
- Migel Sahera, p. 270—Tenth child of Avene Sahera, born thirty miles from Dragonmount a week before Gitara Moroso’s death. See also Sahera, Avene.
Chapter 22: Keeping Custom

- Jurad Shiman, p. 278—Seasoned Kandori campaigner who rode with Lan for a time. He has gray hair.
- Romera, p. 278—Shatayan of the Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin. She is stately, straight-backed, and has graying hair that she keeps in a thick roll at the nape of her neck. She has charge of all the palace’s servants.
- Anya, p. 279—Square-faced serving woman assigned to Lan in the Aesdaishar Palace. She has gray hair. Lan suspects that she is Esne’s mother.
- Esne, p. 279—Square-faced serving woman assigned to Lan in the Aesdaishar Palace. Lan suspects that she is Anya’s daughter.
- Bulen, p. 279—Lanky young servant in the Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin. He runs errands for Lan while he is a guest in the palace.
- Brys Materasu, p. 280—Prince Consort of Kandor. By law, he must remain in the city of Chachin if Queen Ethenielle is out of the city, and she must remain there if he is abroad. He is stocky, rough-hewn, and in his middle years. He appears more suited to armor than silks, though he wears neither well. He has a strong reputation as a general, which is why he is Prince Consort, Swordbearer, and general of her armies. He is solidly built, and has green eyes. See also Materasu, Antol; Materasu, Diryk; Materasu, Ethenielle Kirukan; Materasu, Jarene.
- Diryk Materasu, p. 283—Brys’s second son, eight years old. He fell fifty feet from a balcony and broke nothing. He is handsome, with dark eyes. See also Materasu, Antol; Materasu, Brys; Materasu, Jarene; Tuval.
- Mistress Tuval, p. 284—Diryk’s tutor.
- Iselle Gemallen, p. 286—Edeyn’s daughter. She is seventeen, and has not chosen her carneira yet. When tested a few years ago, an Aes Sedai discovered she could learn to channel. See also ti Gemallen Arrel, Edeyn.
Chapter 23: The Evening Star

- Nedare Satarov, p. 291—Innkeeper of The Silver Penny, an inn in Chachin. She is beautiful, in her middle years, not overly tall, and has glossy black hair that she keeps in a thick braid. She dresses quite well for an innkeeper in the part of town she is in.
- Ailene Tolvina, p. 295—Innkeeper of The Evening Star, an inn in Chachin where Moiraine and Siuan stay. She is a lean woman with an air that brooks no nonsense.
- Rahien Demain, p. 296—Ines’s son. He was named because dawn came up over Dragonmount when he was born. He and his mother are back in the Aesdaishar Palace now. See also Demain, Ines.
Chapter 24: Making Use of Invisibility

- Kamile Noallin, p. 301—Lovely, slim Chachin banker in her middle years. She has graying hair in four long braids and stern, questioning eyes.
- Silene Dorelmin, p. 302—Best seamstress in Chachin. She is very “dear,” according to Mistress Tolvina. She is a slim woman with haughty hair and a cool voice.
- Suki, p. 304—Alias Siuan uses to pass as Moiraine’s maid. See Sanche, Siuan.
- Aiko, p. 305—Plump, gray-haired servant in the Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin.
- Cal, p. 305—Young footman in the Aesdaishar Palace. Siuan, also known as Suki, plans to use him to find out information about the Lady Ines. He has pretty brown eyes.
Chapter 25: An Answer

- Antol Materasu, p. 308—Brys’s eldest son and heir. He is out of the capitol city with his mother, Ethenielle. See also Materasu, Brys; Materasu, Diryk; Materasu, Ethenielle Kirukan; Materasu, Jarene.
- Jarene Materasu, p. 308—Green-eyed twelve-year-old daughter of Prince Brys. She is his oldest daughter, and the second oldest of his five children. See also Materasu, Antol; Materasu, Brys; Materasu, Diryk.
- Elis, p. 309—Pale-haired young woman, a servant in the Aesdaishar Palace.
- Cormanes, p. 315—Last man Moiraine ever kissed. That was the night before she left for the White Tower. She describes him as “beautiful.” See also Damodred, Moiraine.
Chapter 26: When to Surrender


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